Friday 24 September 2021

Week ending 24th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had an extremely busy week! We completed two art projects. the Gaudi mosaics are finished and up on our board in the corridor. We also completed our bonfire pictures ready for the school competition. The children really enjoyed painting with their hands.

We have also focussed on sentence structure this week and the children learned 'Kung Fu Punctuation.'
If you ask them about it I am sure they will show you the moves!
Next Week


We will continue to work on sentence structure and will use 'Kung Fu' punctuation to help us remember! I will be introducing nouns and proper nouns next week. The children will also be creating rhymes.


The children will be using a variety of equipment to subitise (which means recognising an amount without having to count it) and they will be playing different games to enhance this concept.


Next week we will be thinking about the materials toys are made from and categorising them accordingly. When we have completed the task we will look at the data and see what old toys were made of compared to the toys we have today.


Our focus next week will be Autumn and I am hoping to take the children outside to collect leaves  etc as we will be looking at the changes from Summer to Autumn. We will talk about the weather and how we expect it to change. We also look at what happens to wild animals as the weather gets colder.


We will be drawing the leaves we collect from outside.

Religious Education

We have been given a harvest box from the church which is full of exciting things which will bring this festival to life. 

I wish you all a very happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis