Friday 10 September 2021

Week ending 10th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

We had super fun this week as the weather was warm and we were able to use the water tray!

The children are beginning to learn the routines and different areas of the classroom. They have settled really well.

This week we have been practising handwriting, writing about our holidays, learning the language of position in our maths lessons and for our art lesson we looked at the work of Gaudi. This was followed by creating representations of the tricadis art work that he is so famous for!

It was lovely to see so many of you at 'Meet the Teacher' this week. I hope you found the information useful. for those of you who were unable to attend I will post the information on a separate blog.

The book bag colours that co-ordinate with their friendship groups is posted on Year One's classroom door.


It has been great to see how much reading the children have done at home this week. If your child would like to take two books home they are welcome to do so.

Please ensure that your child brings their books in to school every day.

If you would like an extra 'tricky word' card to keep at home please just ask, as we need the cards to be in their book bags every day.


As you know we like to hear the children read as often as possible. I am looking for volunteers to come in for one or two hours a week to read with the children (days and times convenient to you). Please see me if you would like to do so.

We are having a Spanish day on 24th September (International Day). If you have any Spanish dressing-up clothes then please bring them into school in a named bag on that day. If you have any Spanish items eg. castanets, Spanish doll etc it would be great if you could bring those too.


We will continue with the continuous provision from this week and begin our work around the story 'Each, Peach, Pear, Plum' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. For our maths lessons we will be progressing onto rows and columns for our work on position and moving on to understanding conservation of number. The children will be completing the work following the artist Gaudi by creating their tricadis animal mosaics. In RE we will be looking at justice and fairness, beliefs and practices. For PSHE the children will create a self-portrait that represents them as a person.

Have a great weekend,

Ms Davis, Mrs Reusch and Mrs Alimadadi