Friday 17 September 2021

Week ending 17th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been an amazing week, as the children are beginning to carry out daily routines and tasks independently. They have picked things up very quickly!

This week we worked on the vocabulary for position in our maths lessons. We moved on to be able to locate positions on grids by using columns and rows. 

For English we read the story 'Each Peach Pear Plum.'  The children loved the rhyming and spying! From this story we created a list of characters. the children were taught how to write a list and enjoyed thinking of all the characters in the story.

We had a great RE lesson when I asked the class to draw and write about their own definition of God. There were some really interesting pictures!

The children have been looking at the different types of animals and categorising them accordingly. This was followed by a quiz on recognising creatures by their descriptions which they enjoyed.

We were able to complete our mosaic animals for art and they were all very proud of what they achieved. These will soon be on display in the corridor outside the classroom for you to see when you are in school.



We will be working on conservation of number, when patterns are rearranged and items are changed. 


We will be thinking about sentence structure next week. The children will learn the punctuation for full stop, capital letter and question marks. We will also be creating rhyming words to replace the ones in the story. By the end of the week the children will be writing sentences about Autumn.


The children have learned so much about the types of animals there are. Next week we concentrate on animal features and characteristics. By the end of the week they will create their own funny creature that has specific features.


As we begin to talk about Autumn, I will begin working on 'harvest' and what that means.


Next week we begin our 'bonfire night paintings.' The children usually love this activity as it involves covering their hands in paint!


On Friday 24th September it will be our Spanish Day. If the children have anything Spanish at home could they please bring it in. It would be great if their are some Spanish clothes available as we will be dancing 'The Flamenco' in assembly. 

The children will need to come into school in their uniform on Friday as it is individual school photos that day too.

The 'home learning' project for this half term will be for the children  to write a list of everything they would like to buy for a party. They may want to think of a theme first and then begin a list. They are learning that a list does not go across a page but is one word under another. This project will help to reinforce this concept. I would like the project to be completed by the last week of this half-term. Let their imaginations go crazy!

Thank you all so much for donating the junk to Year One as the children do love creating! I have enough for now though. When I need more I will let you know.

Thank you for getting the book bags. It does make a big difference as the children use them every day and also add any drawings or letters to take home into them. If you do not have one yet the list for the colour is on my classroom door.

I wish you all a restful and happy weekend.

Ms Davis