Friday 3 September 2021

Week ending 3rd September 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been a fantastic start to the year. The children have settled so well and are enjoying school life! This week we have been going through expectations and creating a a poster for our classroom which helps remind us how to treat others etc.

The children have discovered all the different areas, games and books. They have had great fun dressing up!


I am looking forward to meeting you at the 'Meet the Teacher' sessions on Thursday 9th September at either 4.30pm or 6.30pm.


We will begin to understand position and the language we use to describe position, such as 'next to,' 'underneath,' 'beside,' 'to the right of.'  The children will progress to describing positions in columns. 


The story for the week will be 'Each, Peach, Pear, Plum' By Janet and Allen Ahlberg. The children will role play the story to begin to recognise the sequence of events. They will be describing the characters in the story. Towards the end of the week they will write a recount of this story.


Our topic is 'Toys' and we have created a toy museum in the classroom. We still need old toys to be brought in for the museum. The children will sorting the toys into the categories 'old' and 'new.'


We will be learning about animals including humans this term. Next week the children will be sorting animals into categories.


Our focus for the first couple of weeks will be the artist Gaudi and his work. The children will be learning about his life and style before beginning to recreate some of his beautiful work.


We will begin by focussing on 'being me in my world' and next week's session will be about keeping safe.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.
Ms Davis