Friday 1 October 2021

Week ending 1st October 2021

 Hello Year One,

This week we had a big focus on construction and the children were set six challenges around the classroom to complete. They had to build houses from blocks, a stone tower, a lego model, a gift to take home for someone in their family and a church. Some children took it further and the most beautiful spider's web was made from a bag and sticky tape.

Have a look at the pictures below.

We also learned about conservation of number for maths and sentence structure in English lessons, alongside handwriting, phonics and spellings.

For RE the children created amazing journeys of food to represent the harvest from the sea, the garden and from grain. They drew pictorial maps of the journey of the food from being harvested to ending up on our dinner plates!

For history this week we continued to think about different types of toys such as moving toys, outdoor toys and building toys. We sorted pictures of toys into different categories and found that long ago there were more outdoor toys and now there are more puzzles and games.



We will continue to learn our phonics and practise handwriting. We will be going for a walk in the woods on Tuesday (weather dependent) and the children will sequence the events from the journey.
I will need to adults to accompany us on the walk to the local woods.
We will leave school after the register at 9am so if you would like to come please let me know.
The children will also hear the story of Chicken Licken and will role play the story sequence.
We will also be continuing to work on sentence structure.


Next week we begin a sequence of work on number. The children will be learning more and less than a given number, comparing visual groups of objects to recognise numbers and find the odd one out in a sequence. They will count varied representations of number, find fewer and more than, one more and one less and how to represent this pictorially.


We will be going on a trip to the local woods to collect a few natural objects and notice the changes in the outdoor environment. This will be followed by observational drawing and painting, and a pictorial representation of what Autumn is all about.


The children will be drawing self-portraits this week and will carry out observational paintings of the objects collected on our walk.

Please let me know if you are able to accompany us on our walk on Tuesday morning. We should return to school by 10am.

Have a great weekend.

Ms Davis