Friday, 13 December 2019

Week ending 13th December 2019

Hello Year One,

What a busy week we have had! The Christmas performances went so well. The children really enjoyed all the singing and dancing. They were fantastic and carried off an amazing show!


For our last week of the Autumn Term we will be completing all our projects and working on maths and English. The children will be making rain gauges and writing weather reports. They will be
writing the Christmas Story after our visit to Christ Church Thursday morning. The staff at the church will be telling The Christmas Story. On Wednesday they will enjoy their Christmas party and a visit from Santa. We will be writing letters to the pixies and telling Winter stories. 
On Friday the children will be watching a pantomime. School finishes at 2pm on Friday. The children will take their PE kits home.

I wish you all a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Ms Davis


Friday, 6 December 2019

Week ending 6th December 2019

Hello Year One,

We have been rehearsing for the Christmas production this week. The children have enjoyed this, especially when they got to dress up in their costumes.
The main dress rehearsal will be Monday morning , when the children perform to the school. The show will then be performed Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
We also have Christmas lunch on Thursday and the children watch a movie in the afternoon.
We will be continuing with our lessons.

Next Week


We will continue to work with odd and even numbers. The children will be focusing on their number bonds to twenty, and place value.


This week the children wrote some amazing poems about Autumn. They are on display in the classroom, so you can see them at the open afternoon on Wednesday after school.
Next week we will be moving on to Winter poetry and the children will be incorporating rhyming couplets into their work. They will also be using Winter shapes to write their poems on.


The children will complete their sliders and can spend some time creating puppet shows with their work.


We will be drawing and colouring Winter pictures to accompany our poetry display. You will be able to see this on Wednesday.


The children will be learning facts about the four seasons and playing a quiz game in pairs to reinforce the learning.


  • Please ensure your child's costume is in school by Monday
  • I have enough bottles to make the rain gauges now, thank you for your help with this
  • If your child has had a change of clothes at school, please could you return them
Have a super weekend and enjoy the performance next week.

Ms Davis

Friday, 29 November 2019

Week ending 29th November 2019

Hello Year One,

We have been busier than ever this week as we have begun rehearsals for our Christmas Production.
We have continued with all our lessons and in maths we have been estimating and ordering numbers. The children have been looking at ten and some more as they are beginning to understand place value.
In our English lessons we have been looking at poetry. The children have been learning to recite poems and they have written two themselves!

Next Week


The children will be exploring odd and even numbers next week. They will be counting in twos and working on number bonds to ten and twenty.


We will continue to study poetry. Next week we will look at rhyme. We will explore nursery rhymes and rhyming words. Towards the end of the week the children will be writing their own rhyming poems! We will continue our daily phonics sessions and handwriting will take place three times next week.


The children will begin to create sliders next week. These are moving pictures.


The children will be rehearsing their songs and dances on the stage next week as we prepare for the Christmas Productions.

  • If your child changes clothes at school and is given clean items to wear, could you please wash and return them as soon as possible.
  • PE kits can stay in school all week. You can take them home at the weekend if you want to wash them, but you can wait until the end of each half term.
  • Please can you send the costumes for the show in to school next week. Next Friday will be our dress rehearsal. Please send them in a named bag.
I wish you all a happy weekend.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Week ending 22nd November 2019

Hello Everyone,

We have had a very busy week as we have started rehearsing for The Christmas Production. The children are very excited, especially when another dance is performed!
We have been learning to count in fives in our maths lessons. We have found many ways to record and show equal values and have been learning about 'ten and some more.'
We wrote a letter and a list of instructions in our English lessons. The children are working hard to learn  the phonemes we teach in Year One and are writing a list of 'tricky words' every day.
We used Autumn leaves and  paints to create prints in beautiful seasonal colours. They will be on display in the classroom.
The children drew pictures of the four seasons and added children wearing appropriate clothing to each one.
Here is a photo from last week's non-school uniform day.


We will be rehearsing for The Christmas Production throughout the week.


We will be looking at 'greater than ten,' counting in twos, one more and one less.


Our focus will be on poetry. The children will be reciting poems, reading and writing their own poems about Autumn and Bonfire Night.
For our phonics sessions we are currently working on consonant clusters, such as  sm, fr, lk, st.


Next week we will be starting to make sliders. These are pictures that have a sliding mechanism to create a moving object within the frame.


As we continue to study seasons we will be focusing on animals next week and researching how the seasons affect their habits and lives.


The children will continue to learn about the festival of Hanukkah. We will be writing a list of things we need to create a party to celebrate Hanukkah. We will also be playing Hanukkah bingo.


  • If you have been asked to provide a costume for The Christmas Production and are having difficulty finding suitable items please let me know.
  • If you have been asked to provide a costume please could you send it to school in a named plastic bag.
  • The children will be starting to bring home spellings after Christmas, not this week as originally suggested.
I wish you all a happy weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 15 November 2019

Week ending 15th November 2019

Dear Year One,

We have been busy preparing the costumes for our Christmas Production! We have many of the costumes already. If your child needs a costume a letter will be sent home next week explaining what is needed.

We have been learning how to make the same value with different numbers and working on addition and subtraction in our maths lessons.

For English we wrote a class poem about 'Anti-Bullying.' The children worked in groups of three and each one came up with a line for the poem.

We had great fun with 'Odd Socks Day!'

The children completed their mosaic pictures, which look amazing! They will be on display in the corridor outside our classroom.

Next Week


We will be working on number bonds, making equivalent values using addition and subtraction, counting in twos and ordering numbers to 100.


The children will be learning how to write instructions, letter writing, phonics, spellings and handwriting


Our focus will be the clothes we wear during each season and the activities that are likely to take place from a seasonal perspective.


We will be continuing to learn about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. The children will be playing the games that are traditionally played during this festival and will be writing the story.


Next week we will be creating an image of ourselves that is possibly different to how we appear, as we focus on celebrating differences culturally, physically and emotionally.


As we are studying the changes of this seasons, we will be creating leaf prints with paints the colours of the leaves that we collect.


  • Next week the children will be bringing spellings home to learn. This will continue on a weekly basis. They will learn the spellings during the week and they can share the ones they remember the following Friday.
  • I still need plastic bottles to make rain gauges. If you have large plastic bottles at home please can your child bring one to school.
I wish you all a very restful and happy weekend.
Ms Davis

Friday, 8 November 2019

Week ending 8th November 2019

Welcome Back Year One,

This is an exciting half term with lots of activities and Christmas treats to come!
Please see this half term's planning below:


We will be continuing with daily phonic sessions, daily spellings and handwriting three times a week.
We have already begun a new topic around the book 'Farmer Duck,' by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury. The children love this story and so much learning is coming from it.
This week we predicted the story ending, wrote speech bubbles to explain the feelings of the characters and wrote the ending of the story as it was written.
We will be looking at the verbs and nouns in the story and finding objects in the classroom to create a list of nouns. We will be focusing on singular and plural nouns. Next week we will be learning more about sentence structure and using incorrect text messages from the duck to learn how sentences make sense.
Later this half term we will have a poetry focus. The children will learn traditional rhymes and create rhyming words that can be used in poems.
The children will re-arrange poems that have been jumbled to create rhyming couplets.
We will create poems that are descriptive, but do not rhyme.


This week we have been looking at equivalent values in a variety of ways and writing number sentences to represent them.
 They will be making numbers greater than ten, using tens frames and building numbers to twenty using Cuisenaire rods. We will focus on the language of 11 to 20 and some more.
We will be estimating and comparing smaller and larger quantities and focusing on one more and one less.
The children will make doubles and halves using tens frames. We will be exploring odd and even numbers and learning to count in 5s and 2s.
Towards the end of term the children will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes, through their properties in unfamiliar contexts.


Our topic for this half term is 'Seasons.' the children will be learning the months in the seasons, weather and seasonal changes. The children will learn which months belong in each season and what the weather is expected to be like during those months. We will think about appropriate clothing for each season and the festivals and celebrations that occur at different times of the year.
The children will focus on animals and birds and how they manage to survive each season.
We will create rain gauges and create tally charts and graphs to show the weather changes during Autumn.
We will also create leaf prints to show the wonderful colours of the Autumnal leaves.

Religious Education

We will be looking at the different festivals of light that occur at this time of year. Last week the children learned the Hindu story of Rama and Sita. They remembered it so well that they were able to retell it or recount it in writing.
The next festival we look at will be Hannukah, which is a Jewish celebration. As we approach Christmas we will retell the nativity and the children will have many activities to celebrate this time of year.
The importance of this focus is to enable the children to understand the importance of light in the stories and how from a religious perspective light overcomes darkness as good overpowers bad actions.

Art and DT

We will be creating mosaic pictures which focus on the colours the children relate to from an emotional perspective. We have been discussing this in our PSHE lessons.
The children will be creating sliders, which involve creating a moving scene in a story. The focus will be 'The Gingerbread Man.' 
We will be exploring the work of 'Monet' by discussing the colours, techniques and atmosphere that is reflected in his work. The children will create representations of the artist's work.
As Christmas approaches the children will create a Christmas card that has a slider or lever mechanism.


The children will learn how to log on and off a computer. They will discover search engines to find the information they need for certain subjects. Their typing speed will increase as they use a programme to write their poems. We will use one session for 'Maths Seeds.'


We are looking at celebrating differences this half term and the children will be creating a version of themselves using different materials. We will be focusing on anti-bullying as we discuss what we think 'bullying' is, the feelings it evokes and what to do to help ourselves if we ever feel we are in that situation.

We will not be covering history or geography this term.


On Tuesday it will be 'Anti-Bullying' day and the children can come to school in odd socks. We will be writing poetry about bullying and the children will be role playing different scenarios and discussing outcomes and feelings.

On Friday it will be a non-school uniform day and a donation of one pound can be made for the charity 'Children In Need.'


  • Children attending Reading Club need to arrive at school at 8.40 am
  • Please can children bring large plastic bottles to school to prepare for creation of our rain gauges
I wish you a happy and peaceful weekend.
Ms Davis

Friday, 25 October 2019

Week ending 25th October 2019

Year One,

It has been a long half term and the children have managed the transition from Reception really well. They are tired now and in need of the break.

This week we have been writing shopping lists and reports. For maths we have been grouping according to the whole/part model and learning the vocabulary for addition. We had a great afternoon creating mosaics and the children were keen to take them home. The children had a science and history quiz to consolidate all they have learned this half term. They were extremely successful and enjoyed revisiting the topics.

It was so helpful to see you all at the parent consultation sessions as it gives me greater insight as to other aspects of the children.

I sent the children home with a handwriting sheet and the directions for parents to teach the correct formulation of the letters. Many parents requested this at the parent consultations so I thought it may be helpful for all of you.

I will write on my blog next Friday to give you information about the teaching and learning for the next half term.

I wish you all a restful and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th November.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Week ending 18th October 2019

Hello Year One,

We have had a busy week! The children have been learning how to regroup numbers and values using mathematical models. We explored the 'Noah's Ark' story so we were counting in twos. The children were noticing the pattern that occurs when counting in twos. The children recounted the 'Noah's Ark' story for their English/RE lesson. They remembered the story and many of the details.
For English we worked on phonics every day. We learned how to write reports and carried out comprehension activities about caring for pets.
The children created fabulous representations of Lowry's work, which are on display in the class room.



We will be working on regrouping, counting on, counting in fives, addition and subtraction to ten or twenty.


The children will be writing shopping lists and reports on hedgehogs. We will continue to teach phonics on a daily basis and they have a handwritinglesson three times a week.


We will be going over all we have learned about animals, including humans. This will be in the form of a quiz, to make it fun!


The children will be exploring and working on mosaics for their art lesson. They are very excited for this as they have spotted the glittery paper they will be using!


The focus will be on choices and consequences next week as the children think about how to make positive choices in their lives.

I hope to see you all at the parent consultations next week.

Have a restful and enjoyable weekend break.

Ms Davis

Friday, 11 October 2019

Week ending 10th October 2019

Hello Year One,

I hope you enjoyed 'The Harvest Café' today. The children were very excited and enjoyed singing their songs!
We have created a class display of our harvest experiences which you can see when you come in the class room.
This week we have been learning how to write reports as we are creating a class book to explain how to look after pets. Thank you for the photos they will make the book visual and entertaining.
Here are a couple of photos from this week when the children were working on observational drawings.



We will be continuing with report writing as we create our class book about pets. We have daily phonics sessions and handwriting three times a week. The children work on spellings on a daily basis.
We will be writing lists and working on comprehension activities.


We will be continuing with the work we started last week, by representing numbers to te/twenty in many ways and matching values to mathematical models. we will be working on counting in twos and tens and finding missing numbers in patterns.


Next week we will be looking at our senses and recognising which parts of the body are used.


We will read the story of Noah's Ark next week and focus on recounting the story. We will incorporate maths in the lesson as we are learning to count in twos.


We will be sorting old toys into categories and creating information posters about them.


The children will continue to look at the work of Lowry, as this week they will be creating a class charcoal picture as a reflection of the artist's work.


We will be focusing on co-operation next week.

I hope you have a restful and pleasant weekend.

Ms Davis and Mrs Reusch

Friday, 4 October 2019

Week ending 4th Oct 2019

Hello Year One,
We have had a fantastic week and lots of fun! On Tuesday we had a visit from 'Perform For Schools.' The children enjoyed the drama and were all involved in the action.

Today we had our visit to Christ Church for a harvest experience morning. The children had 6 different experiences ranging from 'Harvest in the Sea' to 'The Harvest Garden'. Here are some pictures from the session:


The children will be representing numbers to 10 in many ways by regrouping. They will be matching values to mathematical models and finding missing parts of a whole.

We will be creating stories using storyboards. The children will be talking to an audience about their pets. This will be followed by report writing about pets and creating lists of what pets need.

We begin to look at the human body and the children will identify and label parts of the body.

As we continue our learning about toys from the past the children will identify and sort old and new toys.

We have been looking at the work of LS Lowry and the children have begun to represent his matchstick men in their sketch books. Next week we will be creating a large representation of Lowry's work using charcoal. This will be a whole class project.

We will be reflecting on our harvest experience morning and the children will write about the meaning of harvest.

Next week's session will focus on rights and responsibilities at school.

Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school every day. Remember to bring their reading books and reading records to school in their book bag every day. They do not need extra bags with them especially as we have limited space in our cloakroom area.

On Friday morning we are celebrating Harvest Festival at school. Our class have the 9.30-10am slot. It would be lovely to see you there. As you are donating cakes if your child have an allergy please bring something appropriate (and clearly labelled) for them to eat.

Next week we will be making a book about pets. Please send a photo of a pet in with your child on Monday if you haven't already done so. If you do not have a pet maybe you can use a photo of a pet your child would like to have.

Have a great weekend
Ms Davis and Mrs Reusch

Friday, 27 September 2019

Week ending 27th September 2019

Hello Year One,

The children are settling well and are enjoying the lessons and activities.
This week we have been recounting stories using story boards. We have daily phonics sessions and practise handwriting three times a week.
In our maths lessons the children have been learning to count various representations of the same number. They have been matching values to mathematical models and using bead strings to count.
We looked at harvest traditions around the world and focused on the meaning of 'harvest festivals.'
The children were able to describe their favourite toys and discuss the features of each one. They can establish the difference between old and new toys.
For our science topic the children grouped living things according to set criteria.

We have a very busy and exciting week coming up!

Next Week


The children will be learning to order values from the smallest to the largest and vice versa. They will be recognising mistakes in sequences and will focus on 1:1 correspondence.


We will be reading 'The Tiger Who came To Tea,' by Judith Kerr. We will be creating story maps and the children will be focusing on what they need to include in a story by planning before beginning to write. They will use story boards to retell the story and will create their own version of the story when an animal comes to their homes.
We also have a drama workshop on Tuesday as a company will be coming into school to share a story experience with us.


Next week's focus will be on the features of living things. The children will be carrying out different activities to create animals with certain features and they will be describing the features of certain living things.


We will be looking at the decades from the 1950s to the 1990s as our focus will be on the toys that were popular then.


As it is 'harvest' season we will be visiting Christ Church on Friday as a special 'harvest experience ' day has been prepared for us. The children will be taking part in six activities. They are very excited for this trip.


The children will be working in our outdoor class room as we build on teamwork skills. They will be thinking about a place at home or school where they feel safe. They will discuss what makes them feel safe and happy and why.

Have a happy and relaxing weekend.
Ms Davis

Friday, 20 September 2019

Week ending 20th September 2019

Hello Year One,

We have had a busy and exciting week. We have had several nature walks in our wildlife area and around the school grounds as we are studying animals and their habitats. the children found slugs, centipedes and even a frog!
We carried out an activity today where the children had to collect three living things, one beginning with the letter s, one with c and one with a. They worked together in teams and were successful in completing the challenge. The children are aware that they are able to look at living creatures but not touch or move them from their natural habitats.
We have been working on conservation of number in maths, story maps, phonics, spellings and handwriting for English. We carried out observational drawings of natural objects for our art lesson and have begun to create our 'Toy Museum.' If you have any old toys at home that the children could bring in, it would be greatly appreciated.
We still need photos of pets for our class book.
As we have a small space for coats and PE kits it would be greatly appreciated if the children left large bags at home. The PE kit can be left in school until you want to wash it and the books should be in reading folders not back packs. All the children need to bring to school each day is their reading folder. If they do not have a reading folder I can give them a plastic wallet.
We also supply fresh drinking water therefore the children do not need to bring bottles into school unless this is what you would personally prefer.



The children will be learning to subitise (that is recognise a number of objects by the pattern and without having to count them.) They will be counting various representations of the same number of objects and matching values to mathematical models.


We will be reading the story 'Where's My Teddy,' by Jez Alborough. The children will create a story map of the story, recount a similar story and write about their feelings when losing something special or precious.


Our focus is animals including humans. the children will be sorting living things into groups and learning the names and features of many creatures.


The children will be writing about their favourite toys this week. they will be focusing on what they are made of and how they work. We will be comparing these to toys from the past.


Our theme will be harvest traditions around the world. We will be looking at the ways people celebrate this festival.


The work of the artist Lowry will be our topic this week. We will learn about the artists history and style of work. The children will create a backwash for their Lowry paintings next week.


The children will use patterns, fabrics and colours to create a representation of themselves.

I wish you all a happy and peaceful weekend.


Monday, 9 September 2019

Welcome To Year One

Hello Year One,

It is so exciting to start the year with such a lovely class. The children are settling in well and always have lots to tell us.

As you know we are continuing with the reading system that Mrs Robinson set up for the children in Reception. The children have a huge variety of books to choose from and for the time being we will be changing books on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will be offering the children a choice of taking  two or three books, so they do not run out of reading material.

The children need to attend school with a coat, a book bag and a PE kit (which stays at school all week or until half term.) They do not need other large bags. We have limited storage space. I have provided children with plastic wallets for their books if they do not have book bags.

When the children arrive in the morning they need to take their books and reading records out of their reading bags and place them in the red tray so that we are able to change them and read with them on a regular basis. This should be followed by hanging up coats and signing in every morning (the children know how to do this).

Week Beginning 9th September 2019


We begin this half term by reading predictive texts, stories that have patterns. This week we began with The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  We will role play the story, use story stones to recreate it, make a list of the food the caterpillar ate and write our own stories with different animals and foods. The children are recognising the pattern of number and days of the week in the story.


We are working on direction. Please reinforce this at home when  appropriate. The children have learned left and right. They will be learning to turn to the left and right. They will turn in quarters, halves and three quarters.

The children are learning the ordinal numbers and how to state position. We are working on the vocabulary this entails, such as in front of, behind, above, below, to the side of etc.

We are learning to count to 100 in twos and beginning to understand fractions of a whole.


Our topic for this half term is 'toys.' We will be looking at toys from the 60's to the present day. If you or any family members have any toys at home that you could bring into school that would be fabulous. We would like to make a display of toys, old and new.


The children will be learning about healthy food and nutrition.


We are spending time getting to know each other and how we are feeling as we start the new school year.

Religious Education

I will be finding out what the children know and understand about religion. We will be talking about justice and fairness. I will be reading the Christian story of The Two Sons.

I hope I have covered everything, but please do not hesitate to come and speak with myself or Mrs Reusch if you have any questions.

Ms Davis and Mrs Reush

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Tuesday 23rd July 2019

Dear Year One,

We have had an amazing year together. Mrs Reusch and I are so pleased with the children's progress and so proud of everything they have achieved.

Thank you so much for all your support this year and for the very generous gifts. We feel thoroughly spoiled.

Have a super holiday and we are looking forward to seeing you in September.

Best wishes

Ms Davis and Mrs Reusch

Friday, 19 July 2019

Week ending 19th July 2019

Hello Year One,

We have had a busy week completing our projects. We worked with money again this week and the children learned how to make different amounts of money, using different coins.

We wrote adventure stories during our English lessons and completed our 'Around The World' trip by travelling to Antarctica.

The children watched the Year Six performance this morning and returned full of excitement! They thought it was a brilliant show!

We have had a fantastic year. I have enjoyed teaching the children and am very pleased with their progress and development. I know Mrs Reusch shares my thoughts.

Next Week

On Monday the staff will play a game of rounders against the Year Six children. Year One will enjoy watching the game.

On Tuesday we will be attending The Year Six Leaving Assembly. School finishes at 2pm. The ending of the day will be different because we will be part of a parade to 'send off' the children in Year Six. You will need to collect the children from the front entrance. As there will be many parents at this point I will bring the children to the bike shed. Please wait at this point for your children to come to you.

Have a lovely weekend.
Ms Davis

Friday, 12 July 2019

Week ending 12th July 2019

Hello Year One,

It was great to see you all at the parent consultation sessions this week.

 We  had our transition hour on Thursday.  The children experience time in their new classes. Year One were very excited about going into Year Two and they are looking forward to starting in September.

The children enjoyed our pollution project and wrote some amazing stories which were developed from the research they carried out.

Next week we will be completing unfinished topics. We will be working on place value in maths lessons and will be writing poems about pollution and an adventure story for English.

On Friday the children will be watching the Year Six production, which I am sure they will enjoy.

I wish you all a happy and peaceful weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 5 July 2019

Week ending 5th July 2019

Hello Year One,

We had a very exciting end to our week as a baby grass snake came to visit us! We took it to our wildlife area and released it.

We have been busy working on halves and quarters this week. the children have been playing 'shops' and using money to buy items. They have been counting across one hundred.

For English we wrote poems about a chosen subject. The results were very impressive.

We travelled to North America this week and learned about the features of The USA and Canada. Next week we will look at South America and our focus will be Brazil.
For RE this week the children thought about God as the image of a shepherd and they wrote about how shepherds care for their flock and how we need to be cared for, protected and loved.


Group One


Group Two


Group Three


Next Week

On Tuesday Year Six will be carrying out an 'apprentice' style activity. As part of their learning they are given a budget and have to come up with ideas of what to buy and sell to make the most profit. All profit goes to charity.
Year One will  be able to take part in this activity by buying items or games. They can bring some money into school to do this.
The Apprentice takes place on Tuesday 9th July in the afternoon.

We will be learning how to count in twos, fives and tens. The children will be looking for patterns and making predictions. 
For English we will be starting a new project on pollution in our water and our focus will be based around the story 'Rainbow Fish.' This will become a creative activity as we will be displaying our ideas in the corridor.
We still need to complete our science project by looking at the growth process of a fruit plant.
 For RE we will be learning  how Christians think of God as a king.

I wish you a happy and restful weekend.
Ms Davis

Friday, 28 June 2019

Week ending 28th June 2019

Hello Year One,

I hope you all enjoyed sports day! The children thought the activities were good fun.

The children have been learning how to halve and quarter this week. They have been completing rhyming poems in English. We used different pencils to draw Summer flowers. The children observed how some parts of the flowers were darker than others and they shaded them this way.
In RE the children were able to recount the Christian Creation story.

Please can you make sure the children have full PE kits in school at all times. I think some went astray after sports day.

Next Week


The children will be learning how to halve and quarter amounts in context. We will be learning the value of all coins and notes and will be counting up to and across one hundred.


We are continuing with poetry next week. We will be using adjectives to create descriptive poems. the children will choose their own themes for the poems and create a list of adjectives which they will use.
We will also be working on suffixes, handwriting and spellings throughout the week.


Group One


Group Two


Group Three



Our focus next week will be on God as a shepherd. We will be thinking about the images of God in the Bible and how these images help us answer questions about what God is like.


We will be looking at and understanding the process of growth for a fruit plant.


The children will be making their vegetable salads. They designed their menus last week and will follow their plans to create a tasty meal.


We will use maths seeds in ICT this week.


We travel to North America this week, therefore if anyone has any resources that may be helpful they will be greatly appreciated.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.
Ms Davis

Tuesday, 25 June 2019


Please ensure that your child has a hat for sports day as we are expecting hot weather. The children come to school in their uniforms and change into their PE kits when they arrive.

many thanks
Ms Davis

Friday, 21 June 2019

Spellings and Library

Hello Again,

I am posting the spelling lists for next week.

Group One


Group Two

blue pink

Group Three


Week ending 21st June 2019

Hello Year One,

We have had a busy week! The children have completed their bean diaries and the beans have been taken home now. I hope you get some delicious runner beans from them.

The children have learned how to tell the time to o'clock and half past the hour. The have also learned the names of 3D shapes.

We went on a trip to Australia! We had some great things to share and talk about in the class room, including a boomerang. The children could locate Australia on a map and wrote about what they would like to do if they visited the country.

We ended the week with some fun water play!

We turned the water blue and added sea creatures.

The children also created beautiful prints this week. They designed their own blocks from potatoes and apples and made a pattern.

The children wrote their own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk. They used adjectives and adverbs to make the stories interesting and exciting.

Next Week

Thursday morning is sports day for Key Stage One. It starts at 9.30am and finishes at about 11am.


We will be learning about fractions next week. The children will learn halves and quarters.


The children will be looking at rhyming couplets. We will find rhyming words in preparation for poetry writing next week.


Next week we will be travelling to Africa and will be learning all about the country Kenya.


The children will be learning about God as a creator and we will hear some creation stories from different faiths.


The children will be typing a list of rhyming words


We will be looking at the process of growth for a fruit plant.


The children will be carrying out observational drawings of Summer flowers

I hope you have a happy weekend

Ms Davis

Friday, 14 June 2019

Week ending 14th June 2019

Hi Year One,

I hope you all enjoyed watching the talent show! It was great to see a member of Year One singing so beautifully with her sister.
The children have been very excited this week as their beans have begun to sprout. They are keeping diaries of their growth.
We have begun to work on clockwise and anti-clockwise direction this week. It is a tricky concept for the children to grasp so if you can do this at home it will help.
We explored China this week and the children are becoming familiar with world maps now. They can find UK, France and China so far.

Next Week


We will continue to work on direction next week and this will be followed by learning to tell the time. We concentrate on the hour and the half hour. The children will also be learning fractions. They will learn to find half an amount and a quarter of an amount.


The children will reading, role playing and exploring the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. This time the focus will be on changing the characters and the story line slightly.  We will begin working on understanding and recognising suffixes.


We will continue to record in our bean diaries. We will be learning the names for the different parts of a tree.


Next week we will be exploring Australia. We already have a didgeridoo and a boomerang. While we are learning about the countries from the seven continents it is always helpful to have any resources, photos etc from home if you or your families have visited the place we are studying.
We will be identifying countries on a world map and learning about the features and characteristics of Australia.


The children will be learning how to use a painting and drawing programme on the computer.


We will be discussing what is meant by God as the creator. We will be reading creation stories from different faiths.


We will be creating a pattern by creating printing blocks out of potatoes. The children will be taught the primary and secondary colours.


For the next few weeks we will be focusing on words that are used frequently in writing. It will be an asset to the children to have a solid bank of high frequency word knowledge before the end of Year One. Some of these words may be repeated, as I will be looking at their writing and noticing words that are often misspelt.

Group One


Group Two


Group Three


I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 7 June 2019

Week ending 7th June 2019

Hello Year One,

We have some great topics this half term.


We are currently learning to divide and multiply and to recognise the link between the two. We will be learning to tell the time and how to turn clockwise and anti-clockwise. Fractions comes next and the children will be learning to find equal parts of a whole. They will learn how to find fractions of shapes. By the end of the term we will be re-visiting number and place value.


This week the children created their own stories, using a familiar pattern. They were so interesting to read and it is great to see them beginning to use adjectives and even adverbs in their stories.
Next week our focus will be report writing. They will be writing a news report about 'Bronty' the dinosaur. The children will be writing explanation texts on how their beans are growing. We will be working on one last traditional tale and complete the term studying poetry.


Our focus is on plants. This week the children planted beans. They will be keeping diaries of the bean's growth. Next week they will be planting sunflower seeds.
We are going to set up an experiment by putting one of the plants in the dark cupboard and not giving it any water so that we can see whether or not it will still grow. The children will be learning the parts of a tree and how to use leaves to identify trees. We will be learning about deciduous and evergreen trees.


We will be traveling around the world in geography, as we go to each continent and focus on a country within that continent. This week we learned about Europe and investigated the features and characteristics of UK and France. Next week we look at Asia and China, the third week, Australia, then Africa, North and South America and finally Antarctica.


The children will be designing and making a vegetable salad. They will use vegetables to create patterns through printing. We will be creating observational paintings of Summer flowers and sketching buildings. The children will learn the primary and secondary colours and will create a piece of aboriginal style art.


For RE the children will be listening to and learning about faith stories. This week we focussed on 'Five loaves and two fish.' We will be asking big questions about 'God.' The children will listen to creation stories and be thinking about 'God' as a king, a shepherd and a gift giver.


The theme for this term is 'changing me.' This week we have looked at life cycles and the stages of childhood. During week four we will be discussing the difference between girls and boys bodies. The children will learn the correct vocabulary for the body parts. If you do not want your child to take part in this lesson please let me know and I can arrange for an alternative activity to be put in place. Towards the end of term the children will be discussing how learning and growing affects them. They will reflect back to the beginning of Year One and recognise how they have changed because of the things they have learned.


We are working on increasing typing speed by familiarising the children with the keyboard. They will be researching the geography topic through use of the internet. They will type their own reports on how they feel about their experiences in Year One.


Group One


Group Two


Group Three



Some children do not have full PE kits in school. Please can you check that everything they need is in their PE bag.


Next week I will be carrying out the phonics sessions. The children are aware of this as I have explained I need to see what they know for my future planning. The extra sessions finish next Thursday.

Library Books

The children visit the library on Thursdays. Please ensure that they bring their books with them on Thursdays so they can choose new books.

Vegetable Salad

At some point this term we will be making vegetable salads. Please let me know if your child is allergic to any fruit or vegetable.

I wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend. I hope to see some of you at Potters Bar Carnival.


Friday, 24 May 2019

Week ending 24th May 2019

Hello Year One,

The children enjoyed a fun afternoon yesterday, as they all took part in a painting activity, water play and chalk drawings outside.

This week they have learned about 'twice as many' in maths. They counted objects and found twice as many, we measured items and found others twice as long and the children were able to record this pictorially.

We read 'Anancy and Mr Dry-Bone' by Fiona French and the children wrote their own stories about two suitors wanting to marry someone. We had some funny tales, as they used their friends as characters in their stories.

I am sure you have all heard about 'Brody' the dinosaur as this caused great excitement. The children wrote 'wanted' posters to try to locate 'Brody'. Many children explained that they were there when the police caught the dinosaur and some  of the children's parents had to help!

I am sending a booklet home so that the children can practice their phonics during the holiday.

I will post another blog during the holidays to let you know the topics and concepts we will be working on next half-term.

I hope you all have an enjoyable break and I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday 3rd June.

Ms Davis

Friday, 17 May 2019

Week beginning 20th May 2019

Hello Year One,

We had an exciting week as we went on another field study trip. The children have learned so much from the two trips and are able to identify some wild and cultivated plants now. They have also learned to identify trees by the shape of their leaves.

Thank you to all the family and friends that came on the trip with us.

We have continued to learn multiplication and the children know how to make an array now. In English the children have planned their own fairy story, using story mapping. They are excited to write their stories next week.

Next Week


Our focus will be number bonds to ten and twenty, finding maths in pictures and solving problems using multiplication.


The children will write their own fairy tale, using the story map they created this week. We will have a focus on phonics next week and will be reading and answering comprehension questions on two more traditional tales.


We will be looking at the life of Queen Victoria and how people lived in Victorian times.


For the last week this term we will be looking at the Jewish holy book, The Torah. We will be finding out what this book means to Jewish people and why it is so important.


The children will be printing with their hands next week. We will be carrying out various forms of printing after half term.

Date For Your Diary

Wednesday 22nd May is Open Afternoon. This will give you the opportunity to come into the classroom and look at your child's work.


Group One


Group Two


Group Three


I wish you all a very happy and relaxing weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 10 May 2019

Week beginning 13th May 2019

Hello Year One,

It has been a fun week, preparing for our assembly. All the children should feel very proud, as they had so much to remember. I asked them to just 'enjoy' the assembly and they certainly did. Children from other classes have told me how much they enjoyed watching it and I am sure all the parents and friends who came today were equally impressed.

The children wrote letters from 'Mr Wolf' to 'The Three Little Pigs.' They used adjectives to make the letter interesting and exciting. We have continued to learn the language for multiplication and next week we will continue with practical and recording activities to understand that multiplication is repeated addition.
Thank you for taking the homes back with you today. There are just a few left to be collected.

Next Week


We are spending a while learning multiplication as it is a difficult concept for the children to grasp. Through lots of different practical activities they are beginning to recognise that it is essentially repeated addition. When recording they need to remember that the symbol for multiplication is different to the one for addition.


We will spend the first two lessons next week completing our work on 'The Three little Pigs. 'The children will be writing a different ending for the story. We will move on to 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears.' the children are beginning to recognise the patterns in these tales so they will be writing  their own fairy story. The will use the vocabulary of traditional tales and ensure that the sequence of events flow appropriately.


The children will be labelling the parts of a plant and  a flower next week. We have our walk to Oakmere Park and Parkfield on Thursday. We will be leaving at 10am and returning at 11.30am. I still need a couple of helpers if anyone can spare the time. This trip is a field study to investigate cultivated plants and trees.


We will be looking at The Qur'an in our RE lesson. The children will be learning why this book is sacred to Muslims.


The children will be using the internet to find information about the three famous queens we have been learning about.


We will be exploring Tudor life and Queen Elizabeth 1.


The children will continue their learning and understanding of relationships.


Group 1


Group 2


Group 3


I hope the rain clears and we can all enjoy some sunshine this weekend.

Ms Davis