Hello Year One,
We have had a busy and exciting week. We have had several nature walks in our wildlife area and around the school grounds as we are studying animals and their habitats. the children found slugs, centipedes and even a frog!
We carried out an activity today where the children had to collect three living things, one beginning with the letter s, one with c and one with a. They worked together in teams and were successful in completing the challenge. The children are aware that they are able to look at living creatures but not touch or move them from their natural habitats.
We have been working on conservation of number in maths, story maps, phonics, spellings and handwriting for English. We carried out observational drawings of natural objects for our art lesson and have begun to create our 'Toy Museum.' If you have any old toys at home that the children could bring in, it would be greatly appreciated.
We still need photos of pets for our class book.
As we have a small space for coats and PE kits it would be greatly appreciated if the children left large bags at home. The PE kit can be left in school until you want to wash it and the books should be in reading folders not back packs. All the children need to bring to school each day is their reading folder. If they do not have a reading folder I can give them a plastic wallet.
We also supply fresh drinking water therefore the children do not need to bring bottles into school unless this is what you would personally prefer.
The children will be learning to subitise (that is recognise a number of objects by the pattern and without having to count them.) They will be counting various representations of the same number of objects and matching values to mathematical models.
We will be reading the story 'Where's My Teddy,' by Jez Alborough. The children will create a story map of the story, recount a similar story and write about their feelings when losing something special or precious.
Our focus is animals including humans. the children will be sorting living things into groups and learning the names and features of many creatures.
The children will be writing about their favourite toys this week. they will be focusing on what they are made of and how they work. We will be comparing these to toys from the past.
Our theme will be harvest traditions around the world. We will be looking at the ways people celebrate this festival.
The work of the artist Lowry will be our topic this week. We will learn about the artists history and style of work. The children will create a backwash for their Lowry paintings next week.
The children will use patterns, fabrics and colours to create a representation of themselves.
I wish you all a happy and peaceful weekend.