Friday, 18 October 2019

Week ending 18th October 2019

Hello Year One,

We have had a busy week! The children have been learning how to regroup numbers and values using mathematical models. We explored the 'Noah's Ark' story so we were counting in twos. The children were noticing the pattern that occurs when counting in twos. The children recounted the 'Noah's Ark' story for their English/RE lesson. They remembered the story and many of the details.
For English we worked on phonics every day. We learned how to write reports and carried out comprehension activities about caring for pets.
The children created fabulous representations of Lowry's work, which are on display in the class room.



We will be working on regrouping, counting on, counting in fives, addition and subtraction to ten or twenty.


The children will be writing shopping lists and reports on hedgehogs. We will continue to teach phonics on a daily basis and they have a handwritinglesson three times a week.


We will be going over all we have learned about animals, including humans. This will be in the form of a quiz, to make it fun!


The children will be exploring and working on mosaics for their art lesson. They are very excited for this as they have spotted the glittery paper they will be using!


The focus will be on choices and consequences next week as the children think about how to make positive choices in their lives.

I hope to see you all at the parent consultations next week.

Have a restful and enjoyable weekend break.

Ms Davis