Hello Year One,
The children are settling well and are enjoying the lessons and activities.
This week we have been recounting stories using story boards. We have daily phonics sessions and practise handwriting three times a week.
In our maths lessons the children have been learning to count various representations of the same number. They have been matching values to mathematical models and using bead strings to count.
We looked at harvest traditions around the world and focused on the meaning of 'harvest festivals.'
The children were able to describe their favourite toys and discuss the features of each one. They can establish the difference between old and new toys.
For our science topic the children grouped living things according to set criteria.
We have a very busy and exciting week coming up!
Next Week
The children will be learning to order values from the smallest to the largest and vice versa. They will be recognising mistakes in sequences and will focus on 1:1 correspondence.
We will be reading 'The Tiger Who came To Tea,' by Judith Kerr. We will be creating story maps and the children will be focusing on what they need to include in a story by planning before beginning to write. They will use story boards to retell the story and will create their own version of the story when an animal comes to their homes.
We also have a drama workshop on Tuesday as a company will be coming into school to share a story experience with us.
Next week's focus will be on the features of living things. The children will be carrying out different activities to create animals with certain features and they will be describing the features of certain living things.
We will be looking at the decades from the 1950s to the 1990s as our focus will be on the toys that were popular then.
As it is 'harvest' season we will be visiting Christ Church on Friday as a special 'harvest experience ' day has been prepared for us. The children will be taking part in six activities. They are very excited for this trip.
The children will be working in our outdoor class room as we build on teamwork skills. They will be thinking about a place at home or school where they feel safe. They will discuss what makes them feel safe and happy and why.
Have a happy and relaxing weekend.
Ms Davis