We have been busy preparing the costumes for our Christmas Production! We have many of the costumes already. If your child needs a costume a letter will be sent home next week explaining what is needed.
We have been learning how to make the same value with different numbers and working on addition and subtraction in our maths lessons.
For English we wrote a class poem about 'Anti-Bullying.' The children worked in groups of three and each one came up with a line for the poem.
We had great fun with 'Odd Socks Day!'
The children completed their mosaic pictures, which look amazing! They will be on display in the corridor outside our classroom.
Next Week
We will be working on number bonds, making equivalent values using addition and subtraction, counting in twos and ordering numbers to 100.
The children will be learning how to write instructions, letter writing, phonics, spellings and handwriting
Our focus will be the clothes we wear during each season and the activities that are likely to take place from a seasonal perspective.
We will be continuing to learn about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. The children will be playing the games that are traditionally played during this festival and will be writing the story.
Next week we will be creating an image of ourselves that is possibly different to how we appear, as we focus on celebrating differences culturally, physically and emotionally.
As we are studying the changes of this seasons, we will be creating leaf prints with paints the colours of the leaves that we collect.
- Next week the children will be bringing spellings home to learn. This will continue on a weekly basis. They will learn the spellings during the week and they can share the ones they remember the following Friday.
- I still need plastic bottles to make rain gauges. If you have large plastic bottles at home please can your child bring one to school.
Ms Davis