Monday, 9 September 2019

Welcome To Year One

Hello Year One,

It is so exciting to start the year with such a lovely class. The children are settling in well and always have lots to tell us.

As you know we are continuing with the reading system that Mrs Robinson set up for the children in Reception. The children have a huge variety of books to choose from and for the time being we will be changing books on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will be offering the children a choice of taking  two or three books, so they do not run out of reading material.

The children need to attend school with a coat, a book bag and a PE kit (which stays at school all week or until half term.) They do not need other large bags. We have limited storage space. I have provided children with plastic wallets for their books if they do not have book bags.

When the children arrive in the morning they need to take their books and reading records out of their reading bags and place them in the red tray so that we are able to change them and read with them on a regular basis. This should be followed by hanging up coats and signing in every morning (the children know how to do this).

Week Beginning 9th September 2019


We begin this half term by reading predictive texts, stories that have patterns. This week we began with The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  We will role play the story, use story stones to recreate it, make a list of the food the caterpillar ate and write our own stories with different animals and foods. The children are recognising the pattern of number and days of the week in the story.


We are working on direction. Please reinforce this at home when  appropriate. The children have learned left and right. They will be learning to turn to the left and right. They will turn in quarters, halves and three quarters.

The children are learning the ordinal numbers and how to state position. We are working on the vocabulary this entails, such as in front of, behind, above, below, to the side of etc.

We are learning to count to 100 in twos and beginning to understand fractions of a whole.


Our topic for this half term is 'toys.' We will be looking at toys from the 60's to the present day. If you or any family members have any toys at home that you could bring into school that would be fabulous. We would like to make a display of toys, old and new.


The children will be learning about healthy food and nutrition.


We are spending time getting to know each other and how we are feeling as we start the new school year.

Religious Education

I will be finding out what the children know and understand about religion. We will be talking about justice and fairness. I will be reading the Christian story of The Two Sons.

I hope I have covered everything, but please do not hesitate to come and speak with myself or Mrs Reusch if you have any questions.

Ms Davis and Mrs Reush