Friday 19 May 2023

Week ending 19th May 2023

 Hello Year One,

I am sure you all enjoyed the amazing performance by Year One this morning. They did so well and were so excited and happy with how it went. They love to perform to an audience!

On Monday it will be sharing assembly. If you have been informed that your child will be taking part it begins at 9am in the hall.

This week we have been learning about 'twice as many' in maths.

 We have been taking photos of our beans and measuring them. Some beans grew really tall. One was 84cm, but some didn't grow at all. We kept a bean diary to monitor their growth and next week we will be writing about that.

A huge congratulations to all the children who learned their spellings for today's spelling test. So many more had spent time doing so and were thrilled when they got them all correct.

In Our English lessons we have been writing lists as we prepare for story writing next week. We will also been recognising and using the suffixes er and est. 

We will be printing with fruit and vegetables next week. The children will choose two colours and create repeating patterns by printing.

The children have been learning about the moral of a story. They will be exploring the Bible story 'Jonah and the Whale' next week and look at the lesson that can be learned from this.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis