Friday 12 May 2023

Week ending 12th May 2023

 Hello Year One,

This week we have been learning to make and recognise equal and unequal groups in our maths lessons. We wrote about our trip to Willows Farm. The children were really keen to carry out this task and I asked them to focus on sentence structure, which they did. It was great to read about their experiences as they all had such a great time.

The children used their designs to make delicious salads, which I hope you enjoyed.
For history we explored the life of Queen Victoria. The children are always interested in past school life and they loved watching a clip of a Victorian classroom!

Extra Phonics Sessions

As you are aware the  phonics screening is in June, so we have organised some booster sessions for some of the children. These sessions are so valuable as they work in small groups and concentrate on a different sound each day. The children who are attending have explained that they are really enjoying them. If you received a letter inviting your child to the sessions please arrive at 8.25am. It really is worth the early start.

Next Week


The children will be learning how to find maths in pictures. They will use multiplication to assess how many items are in each picture. They will move on to scaling, finding 'twice as many.'


As the children become more familiar with the current story ' Anancy and Mr Drybone' we will discuss the morals of this traditional tale. The children will be creating a list of items they might seek out when going on a journey.


The children will be taking photos of their plants next week.


The beans are growing, so we will be measuring and comparing them for our bean diaries.


As we explore the Christian story 'Jonah and the Whale' the children will be thinking about the moral of the story and why it is a faith story.

We will also be spending time rehearsing for our assembly, which is on Friday 19th May at 9am.

There will also be a sharing assembly on Monday 22nd May at 9am. If your child has been invited to attend he/she will have been given a slip of paper with a sentence or two to learn in preparation for the assembly.

As you know the children do love music from around the world, so I have sent a couple of photos of them learning a cowboy dance.

I wish you a happy weekend. It is supposed to be sunny and warm!

Ms Davis