Friday 22 October 2021

Week ending 22nd October 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had a busy and exciting week, ending in today's 'spooky costume' day. The children loved this, especially when we danced to halloween songs.

We finished many projects this week. The children wrote their own endings for the story 'Chicken Licken' and completed their party lists. They had great fun with this!
We have finished our 'animals including humans' project and our history topic on 'Toys.'

Week beginning 1st November 2021


The focus text will be Here comes Farmer Duck by Martin Wadell and Helen Oxenbury. The children will be learning how to make predictions when reading a story, learn about verbs and continue to work on constructing sentences.
We will have daily handwriting and phonics lessons the first week back and we will begin to read in groups every day. 


The children will be representing numbers to ten in many ways through regrouping. They will match values to mathematical models using increasingly complex regrouping. We will be exploring the language of addition and working on number bonds to five, ten and twenty.


We will be starting to learn about the weather, understanding changes in the weather and the force of the sun. We will be investigating what happens when the sun goes behind a cloud.


This half term we explore festivals of light from many religions. We will be staring with the Hindu festival Diwali. We will be learning the story of Rama and Sita in the first week.


The children will make Diwali oil lamps.

I wish you all a very happy and restful half term.

Ms Davis