Friday 8 October 2021

Week ending 8th October 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been a very busy week as we spent Tuesday morning in the local woods and Friday morning singing for Harvest Festival.

The walk was great! We were very lucky with the weather. Thank you to all the parents and helpers that came with us. It made the trip easy to manage and the children got so much more from it by being in small groups. We are studying Autumn at the moment so it gave us the opportunity to see the changes that have occurred in our local environment. It was also good fun. The children loved going over a 'style' and were fascinated by it. We talked about the reason for styles when we returned to the classroom and they heard the story about the old woman who had a pig that would not jump over the style. 



The children will be ordering values, noticing which numbers are missing in number lines, or which numbers are in the wrong place. They will be ordering values according to different criteria. We will move on to ordering consecutive numbers, linking, counting and sequencing numbers.


We are beginning to write in sentences now. The children are familiar with capital letters and full stops and have been taught question marks and exclamation marks. They are learning to write from one side of the page to the other rather than in list format. We will be continuing to work on this.
The children's handwriting is improving as they are beginning to ensure each letter sits on the line and how to form the letters. We are currently working on this three times a week.
As I will be reading a story with a repetitive pattern this week the children will sequence the events in the story as well as the steps we took when we went for our Autumnal walk.


The children have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding about the changes that occur in Autumn and this week they will be writing about this and illustrating their findings with diagrams and pictures.


Last week we began to study the work of the artist Lowry. The children were fascinated by his paintings and enjoyed creating their own representations. Next week we will focus on the matchstick people and use straws to recreate them.

I wish you all a happy weekend.

Ms Davis