Friday, 24 September 2021

Week ending 24th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

We have had an extremely busy week! We completed two art projects. the Gaudi mosaics are finished and up on our board in the corridor. We also completed our bonfire pictures ready for the school competition. The children really enjoyed painting with their hands.

We have also focussed on sentence structure this week and the children learned 'Kung Fu Punctuation.'
If you ask them about it I am sure they will show you the moves!
Next Week


We will continue to work on sentence structure and will use 'Kung Fu' punctuation to help us remember! I will be introducing nouns and proper nouns next week. The children will also be creating rhymes.


The children will be using a variety of equipment to subitise (which means recognising an amount without having to count it) and they will be playing different games to enhance this concept.


Next week we will be thinking about the materials toys are made from and categorising them accordingly. When we have completed the task we will look at the data and see what old toys were made of compared to the toys we have today.


Our focus next week will be Autumn and I am hoping to take the children outside to collect leaves  etc as we will be looking at the changes from Summer to Autumn. We will talk about the weather and how we expect it to change. We also look at what happens to wild animals as the weather gets colder.


We will be drawing the leaves we collect from outside.

Religious Education

We have been given a harvest box from the church which is full of exciting things which will bring this festival to life. 

I wish you all a very happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis 

Friday, 17 September 2021

Week ending 17th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been an amazing week, as the children are beginning to carry out daily routines and tasks independently. They have picked things up very quickly!

This week we worked on the vocabulary for position in our maths lessons. We moved on to be able to locate positions on grids by using columns and rows. 

For English we read the story 'Each Peach Pear Plum.'  The children loved the rhyming and spying! From this story we created a list of characters. the children were taught how to write a list and enjoyed thinking of all the characters in the story.

We had a great RE lesson when I asked the class to draw and write about their own definition of God. There were some really interesting pictures!

The children have been looking at the different types of animals and categorising them accordingly. This was followed by a quiz on recognising creatures by their descriptions which they enjoyed.

We were able to complete our mosaic animals for art and they were all very proud of what they achieved. These will soon be on display in the corridor outside the classroom for you to see when you are in school.



We will be working on conservation of number, when patterns are rearranged and items are changed. 


We will be thinking about sentence structure next week. The children will learn the punctuation for full stop, capital letter and question marks. We will also be creating rhyming words to replace the ones in the story. By the end of the week the children will be writing sentences about Autumn.


The children have learned so much about the types of animals there are. Next week we concentrate on animal features and characteristics. By the end of the week they will create their own funny creature that has specific features.


As we begin to talk about Autumn, I will begin working on 'harvest' and what that means.


Next week we begin our 'bonfire night paintings.' The children usually love this activity as it involves covering their hands in paint!


On Friday 24th September it will be our Spanish Day. If the children have anything Spanish at home could they please bring it in. It would be great if their are some Spanish clothes available as we will be dancing 'The Flamenco' in assembly. 

The children will need to come into school in their uniform on Friday as it is individual school photos that day too.

The 'home learning' project for this half term will be for the children  to write a list of everything they would like to buy for a party. They may want to think of a theme first and then begin a list. They are learning that a list does not go across a page but is one word under another. This project will help to reinforce this concept. I would like the project to be completed by the last week of this half-term. Let their imaginations go crazy!

Thank you all so much for donating the junk to Year One as the children do love creating! I have enough for now though. When I need more I will let you know.

Thank you for getting the book bags. It does make a big difference as the children use them every day and also add any drawings or letters to take home into them. If you do not have one yet the list for the colour is on my classroom door.

I wish you all a restful and happy weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 10 September 2021

Meet The Teacher Information

 Hello Year One,

As promised you will find the information discussed at 'Meet the Teacher' below.

Meet The Teacher – Year One


What to bring to school?

·      A school reading bag and a PE bag which preferably is a small drawstring bag which will hold a pair of plimsolls, shorts, t-shirt, trainers and a track suit.

·      Please can you ensure that each item of clothing is labelled clearly with your child’s name. Changing for PE is a big step in Year One and although we are trying to get into a routine clothes do get mislaid. If they are labelled it makes it so much easier to get the clothes back to the children.

·      Please can you refrain from allowing your child to bring toys into school. There will be many opportunities for them to bring items from home that are topic related.

·      We have a no jewelry policy which includes earrings.

What will the children be learning in Year One?

·      Timetable – please see attached.

·      Phonics will be taught on a daily basis. The terminology will also be taught. In June a phonics test will be given which includes real and fake words.

·      Reading – we will hear your children read as often as possible and aim to hear readers either in a group or individually at least once a week. The children will take a reading book home every day. We need your help with this. We would like them to read to someone every day. Whoever hears them read should write a comment in the reading journal. The children must bring their reading book back to school every day. Once they have finished a book they can choose another.

We have nine different book boxes in the classroom and your child will know which box he/she will choose from. Each box has a selection of books and your child can choose which one he/she wants to read.

Reading is very important at this stage in your child’s educational development. The more experiences your child gets the more familiar the written word becomes.

I would also encourage reading books to your child, sharing books, comics and any reading material that your child shows an interest in.

·      Alongside daily reading the children will be given a card of ‘tricky words’ to learn at home. These are words that don’t follow the usual patterns or sounds. These need to be practised as often as possible.

·      The children will also be given the opportunity to choose a library book to take home every week. I will confirm the day this will be happening. They must return the book before they can take another one.

·      Following the half-term break the children will be learning spellings at home and school. There will be three groups and the spellings will be differentiated accordingly. They will have a chance to practise them at school, but will need to do so at home in conjunction with this. On Fridays we have a spelling test.

·      Please read my blog on a weekly basis. The blog is released every Friday afternoon. Alongside information and pictures of the children’s learning I will be explaining the lessons we will be covering for the following week. It really helps if you can chat to your child about our topics and share your areas of interest.

·      Every half term we ask the children to carry out a ‘home learning’ project. This could be simply researching a topic that is coming up or creating a list for party shopping. It could be a more in depth project such as creating a home for an animal to live in or a math’s challenge. The children love it when someone at home helps with these projects, but we ask that the work is predominantly your child’s.

How can I help my child?

·      Read with your child every day.

·      Help them learn ‘tricky’ words.

·      Spend time with them to encourage them to read and learn to spell their spellings

·      Read the blog every week and discuss what we have been learning and what we will be learning the following week.

·      If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child or school, please come and see me at the end of the day and we can either have a chat there and then or I can book an appointment for you. Email is a great form of communication and very helpful for information in the mornings.





9.30-950          950- 1030

10.40-10.55 am







Independent reading



Phonics               English















Independent reading

Spellings Handwriting

& Phonics















Independent reading















Independent reading















Independent reading













 If you need any further information please come and see me.

Many thanks 

Ms Davis

Week ending 10th September 2021

 Hello Year One,

We had super fun this week as the weather was warm and we were able to use the water tray!

The children are beginning to learn the routines and different areas of the classroom. They have settled really well.

This week we have been practising handwriting, writing about our holidays, learning the language of position in our maths lessons and for our art lesson we looked at the work of Gaudi. This was followed by creating representations of the tricadis art work that he is so famous for!

It was lovely to see so many of you at 'Meet the Teacher' this week. I hope you found the information useful. for those of you who were unable to attend I will post the information on a separate blog.

The book bag colours that co-ordinate with their friendship groups is posted on Year One's classroom door.


It has been great to see how much reading the children have done at home this week. If your child would like to take two books home they are welcome to do so.

Please ensure that your child brings their books in to school every day.

If you would like an extra 'tricky word' card to keep at home please just ask, as we need the cards to be in their book bags every day.


As you know we like to hear the children read as often as possible. I am looking for volunteers to come in for one or two hours a week to read with the children (days and times convenient to you). Please see me if you would like to do so.

We are having a Spanish day on 24th September (International Day). If you have any Spanish dressing-up clothes then please bring them into school in a named bag on that day. If you have any Spanish items eg. castanets, Spanish doll etc it would be great if you could bring those too.


We will continue with the continuous provision from this week and begin our work around the story 'Each, Peach, Pear, Plum' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. For our maths lessons we will be progressing onto rows and columns for our work on position and moving on to understanding conservation of number. The children will be completing the work following the artist Gaudi by creating their tricadis animal mosaics. In RE we will be looking at justice and fairness, beliefs and practices. For PSHE the children will create a self-portrait that represents them as a person.

Have a great weekend,

Ms Davis, Mrs Reusch and Mrs Alimadadi

Friday, 3 September 2021

Week ending 3rd September 2021

 Hello Year One,

It has been a fantastic start to the year. The children have settled so well and are enjoying school life! This week we have been going through expectations and creating a a poster for our classroom which helps remind us how to treat others etc.

The children have discovered all the different areas, games and books. They have had great fun dressing up!


I am looking forward to meeting you at the 'Meet the Teacher' sessions on Thursday 9th September at either 4.30pm or 6.30pm.


We will begin to understand position and the language we use to describe position, such as 'next to,' 'underneath,' 'beside,' 'to the right of.'  The children will progress to describing positions in columns. 


The story for the week will be 'Each, Peach, Pear, Plum' By Janet and Allen Ahlberg. The children will role play the story to begin to recognise the sequence of events. They will be describing the characters in the story. Towards the end of the week they will write a recount of this story.


Our topic is 'Toys' and we have created a toy museum in the classroom. We still need old toys to be brought in for the museum. The children will sorting the toys into the categories 'old' and 'new.'


We will be learning about animals including humans this term. Next week the children will be sorting animals into categories.


Our focus for the first couple of weeks will be the artist Gaudi and his work. The children will be learning about his life and style before beginning to recreate some of his beautiful work.


We will begin by focussing on 'being me in my world' and next week's session will be about keeping safe.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.
Ms Davis