It has been a productive first week. The children are enjoying our new text 'The Last Noo-Noo,' by Jill Murphy. We have had role play, freeze frames and used the story to create questions and look at character traits. We will be continuing with this next week.
The children are understanding 'less than' and 'more than.' They can state the difference between two numbers. We have been counting in tens to 300!
I introduced our history and science topics this week. The focus is on materials, buildings, housing and structure. The children are very interested and are keen to begin their home projects. I have had quite a few questions regarding this, which I will go through in the news section of this blog.
Next Week
Handwriting lessons will be carried out three times and phonics sessions will continue on a daily basis. The children also have dictation once a week. We will continue with written work that is prompted by our text. The children will order sentences from the story, write about their favourite part and sequence the events.
We will be creating a weather chart which will be used to continue with the vocabulary of 'more than,' 'less than' and 'difference.'
The children will be solving problems to ten and twenty using the whole and the parts model. This will include addition and subtraction.
We will be counting in fives and revising odd and even numbers.
The next stage of 'materials' will be to describe their properties.
The children will be looking at similarities and differences between homes. They will label the features of different homes.
We will be going on a walk to the local woods to collect the natural items the children have decided to use for their sculptures. When we return to school the children will work in small groups to create their big builds.
Discuss different people's goals and children to share their own. Discuss goals that have been achieved and what it took to do so.
Why is it important to have a close community?
- The children are extremely excited about creating homes. They are looking forward to creating their structures with family and friends. It is fine for others to help, that is all part of the fun and will create wonderful memories for the children. Encourage your child to design the home and make as much of it as they can independently. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to ask.
- On Thursday 16th January at 9.30am we are taking the children to the local woods for a walk. They will be collecting natural items to use for their sculptures. They will be working in groups of four to create natural sculptures. If you're able come on the walk that would be great. Please let Mrs Reusch or myself know if you can.We should be back at school by 11am.
- If your child was attending Reading Club in the mornings he/she may still do so, however, some children will no longer be attending. Mrs Nixon changes the children attending Reading Club according to need and availability. If you have any queries regarding this please see me.
- There are some children who used to have milk, but who no longer receive it If you want your child to have milk please see Jo at the office.
- Next Monday 13th January Year One will begin weekly spellings that will need to be learned at home in conjunction to the work we do at school. The spellings are differentiated and the movement between groups will be fluid. On Monday they will have a pre-test of the spellings they will be learning that week. Those spellings will be sent home that day and the children will have a week to learn them. The following Monday they will be tested on those spellings and have a pre-test of the spellings they will learn for that week and again those spellings will be sent home that day. This will continue on a weekly basis.
- Next Thursday the children will visit the school library. They will choose a book to take home for a week and return the following Thursday. This will continue on a weekly basis. Your child must return a book to be able to take a new book home.
Have a super weekend.
Ms Davis