This week we have been learning about height, length and mass. The children have learned the vocabulary they need to describe these measurements. For English the children wrote some fantastic stories about losing something precious and finding it growing back on a magic tree!
We have been thinking about our school community and who is important to us. For our history lesson the children learned about the differences and similarities between homes from the past and present.
The children will be writing book reviews this week and will describe their favourite part of the story. They will be learning and writing prepositions and will focus on phonics and handwriting.
Next week we begin to look at the days of the week, months of the year and the seasons they come into. The children will be using tables and timetables to practice the vocabulary of time.
There will be various activities set up to discover different materials. The children will be describing materials and recognising how they look, feel, sound and smell.
We will be looking at photos and slides of Victorian homes. The children will be looking for the differences and similarities between home from this era and the present day.
The children will begin to learn about baptism. If your child has something from their baptism that they would like to bring in and share that would be great.
Overcoming obstacles. We will read the story 'Going On A Bear Hunt' and discuss what obstacles may stand in our way when we are learning.
- The children went to the library this week and chose aa book to take home and read. Library sessions will be on Thursdays. To be able to take another book home the children must bring back the one they had the previous week.
- The children do love bringing things to school that they want to share with their peers. Although we enjoy these sessions, I would ask that this is limited to achievements and educational material. Children have been bringing their toys to school and they get upset when other children want to play with, they get lost or broken.
- On Thursday 27th February we will be taking the children to The Snow Centre for a sledging experience! I need another 2 volunteers to come on this trip. Please see me if you are interested.
- The spelling tests went well. thank you for working with your children at home. It makes a huge difference!
Ms Davis