Friday, 17 January 2020

Week beginning 13th January 2020

Hi Year One,

We have had a fabulous week. Our design project was great fun and the children demonstrated just how creative they are. They collected natural things from the woods and used their designs to produce some exceptional sculptures.

We have been planning  stories this week and the children will be writing their own version of 'The Last Noo-Noo' next week! We have been learning the digraphs ir and ou. The children have been reading paragraphs and highlighting words that have those sounds.
In maths we have been finding parts of wholes and learning addition and subtraction.

Next Week


The children will be learning the vocabulary needed to describe length, mass and speed. They will enjoy racing cars and explaining the positions at the end of each race. We will continue to learn number bonds to ten, twenty and thirty.


We will be writing stories next week. The children will be learning how to add adjectives to describe things in their stories and punctuation will be extended to include speech marks, question marks and exclamation marks. The sounds we will be learning in our phonics sessions are ue and aw. These will be given in the spellings next week.
On Monday the children will have their spelling tests and these will be followed by a pre-test of the words they will be learning for the following week.


Our history lesson will be about recognising features of different homes.


The children will be describing materials. They will be given a selection of items and describe what they look and feel like.


The focus next week will be on communities and in particular our school community.


We will be thinking about learning something new and how this can make us feel. The children will hear a story and share their own feelings.


  •  Please encourage your children to use 'maths seeds.' It does help to consolidate the learning at school. Maybe a couple of times a week for half an hour, or three times a week for 20 minutes.
  • There will be a 'MUFTI' day next Friday. The children can wear their own clothes. They will need to bring £1 donation for The Australian Bushfire Fund.

Have a great weekend.

 Ms Davis