We have been busy this week. We completed the work from our story 'The Last Noo-Noo.' So much learning came from this book, so many different activities and the children loved it. We had a dummy hunt this week and the children were asked to write sentences about where they found the dummies. The children wrote book reviews and described their favourite parts of the story.
We have been learning the days of the week, the months of the year and the seasons they fall in to. This could be continued at home by asking questions such as 'If today is Friday, what day was it yesterday?'
The children described materials during our science lesson. For history they explored Victorian homes and were interested in the differences between them and our homes today. They weren't to keen when I asked if they would have liked to live in Victorian times!
Next Week
We begin a new book next week. It is called 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.' It is essentially a series of instructions, therefore the work that comes from this book will be a series of activities about instructions. Next week we will focus on:
- Reading instructions
- Following instructions
- Giving instructions
- The difference between a command and a request
- Writing instructions
We will complete our work on the months and seasons on Monday. On Tuesday we start a new learning sequence on using 5 and 10 as benchmarks when adding and subtracting. The children will be writing number sentences, using cherry models, tens frames, base ten equipment and bead strings to establish their knowledge and understanding of using bench marks to aid calculations.
The children will be grouping materials according to their properties.
We will take a closer look at baptism and role play a baptism.
The children will be creating sculptures from modelling clay.
Objects in Victorian homes will be identified and explored next week.
The children are beginning to become more familiar with logging on to ipads, locating a search engine and logging on to 'mathseeds.' They could continue to practice this at home.
Creating a treasure chest of ideas for success will be next week's theme for our PHSE lesson
- We will be visiting The Snow Centre on 27th February. I did ask for parental support, but we will be taking Teaching Assistants with us. I do apologise to those of you who were hoping to come on the trip.
- The children are doing well with their spellings. Thank you for practicing them at home with your children.
Ms Davis