We have been planning a class harvest festival this week and the children have decided they would like to sing harvest songs, do harvest dances and make a fruit salad. We are also collecting tins or packets of food for those less fortunate than ourselves.
Our class festival will be on Wednesday afternoon, but the food can be brought in any day next week.
We have been finding one more and one less than numbers up to 20. We have been working on writing our numbers correctly and adding number pairs to ten. The children have been counting beats to a tambourine to speed up their counting skills.
Next week we will be working on shapes and symmetry. The main focus will be triangles, circles, squares and rectangles. A great home activity would be to ask your children to name all the square objects in their homes, or all the circular things they can find etc.
The children have been creating story maps this week and learning how to sequence stories using language such as 'first, next, finally.' Next week we will be reading a new book called 'Where's My Teddy?' and our lessons will come from this story. The children will create a 'wanted' poster for the teddy, learn how to sequence the events in the story, create their own story and recognise the use of question marks.
We continue to look at toys from the past and present. Next week we will be sorting toys into groups and focussing on our favourite toys. We will be able to name the characteristics of different toys and put them into different categories.
On Wednesday we will celebrate harvest and have planned activities for that afternoon. The children are very excited to make their fruit salads.
As part of our topic on animals (including humans) we will be labelling different parts of the body.
We have cut and painted the body parts for our caterpillars. Next week we will be looking at different materials that will help our caterpillars move in a wriggly way.
General Information
- Please ensure that your children have full PE kits in school at all times. This includes trainers and warm clothing for outdoor games.
- Many of you are paying for milk, but not all the children who have the option of a carton at playtime take the opportunity to drink it. Please have a chat with your children and ask if they still want milk.
- Please remember to work on 'maths seeds' on a regular basis. It supports the mathematical understanding around the concepts we cover in lessons.
- Please bring a tin or packet of food for our collection for harvest.
I hope you all have a fun and relaxing weekend.
Ms Davis