Hello Year One,
What a fantastic beginning we have had this week. The children have all settled really well and seem happy and full of fun in school.
We have been exploring the new classroom, which has a hospital, reading corner, maths station, creative space and construction area.
The children love the magic box that comes out on a Friday and I'm sure if you ask them they will tell you all about it.
The children have done exceptionally well at coming to the classroom independently in the mornings and have adapted well to all the new routines etc.
Next week each child will be given a reading book. Please hear your children read as often as possible as it makes a huge difference to the rate of progress they make. Please write a comment in the reading journal to let us know that you have heard your child read and where they are up to. When the book has been read it will be changed the same day. Mrs Wells and I will hear each child read every week. When the books have been read the children will place them in the red tray in the classroom ready for Mrs Wells to change them.
We are beginning a topic on toys next week and it would be great if your child could bring one toy in to school. We will be looking at old and new toys, therefore if any parents/carers/grandparents etc could send in a toy from a different era that would be fantastic. If anyone would like to bring in a toy and talk to the children about it that would be amazing! Please let me know if you or someone you know would like the opportunity to do this.
As you are aware we are in the process of redecorating the school and for the next few weeks the hall will not be available, therefore the children will need tracksuit and trainers as they will be outside for all PE lessons. The weather could turn colder soon so it is far better to be prepared. Plimsoles are not appropriate for outside PE as they will get wet.
In Year One we will not be using 'show and tell' as part of our work as the children will be required to bring things from home associated to the topic, for example, this term we will be asking for toys.
We will be reading 'The Hungry Caterpillar next week and it would be great if you could send in empty egg boxes so that the children can make caterpillars on strings.
Please could all children have their hair tied back for health and safety reasons.
We will be beginning to work from our timetable next week. If anyone would like a copy or to come and see how we plan the days please feel free to ask me.
The children were very tired today. I think they were exhausted from all the new things they have learned and because they have had a long holiday. I wish you all plenty of rest and a happy weekend and am looking forward to a busy week next week
Many thanks
Ms Davis