Hello parents and carers,
I did send out a blog on Friday, but for some reason it is no longer on our page so I am updating you today.
The children are really enjoying Year One and are having fun while learning. They are extremely good at tidying up, especially when I put one of their favourite songs on. As soon as they hear 'Happy' they go into clearing up mode and by the time the song has finished the classroom is back to it's original state.
The children are learning their number bonds to ten and above. They are recognising numbers on dice and dominoes without having to count them. This week we will be learning 'one more' and 'two more.'
We are learning how to count to one hundred. Towards the end of the week we will move on to 'one less.'
As you know, the children are becoming accustomed to writing lists, labels and captions. It was pleasing to see how much progress they have made when they created a list of things to do in a park. As we read different stories this week we will be looking at the emotions that the characters portray. The children will be creating a list from happy to sad, to learn as many different words for the feelings in between the extremes.
Towards the end of the week we will be learning about sequences in stories and the children will be identifying the beginning, what happens next and the end of tales.
D and T
This week we will be creating hungry caterpillars. The children will enhance their design skills by thinking about how to create caterpillars that move.
It will be fun to re-create the story with one of the caterpillars and the different foods!
We will be looking at toys from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's this week. The children will be learning how many years there are in a decade. They will recognise toys from different eras and complete the activity by sorting pictures of toys into the decades chosen.
As it is harvest time I will show the children images of harvest celebrations in different cultures and religions. We will focus on Christianity and how we celebrate harvest time.
The children will make lists of different animals in a range of categories, such as mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
I hope the children enjoy this week. Don't forget Book Club on Thursday and Friday this week!