Sunday, 9 February 2025

 Hello Year 1,


I hope you are all having a loving weekend and I apologise for the delay in posting this blog.


Next Week:

Mental Health and Wellbeing Week- We will be carrying out various activities throughout the week.


Internet Safety Day (Tuesday 11th February) - The children will focus on internet safety and well-being online.


Maths- The children will be subtracting using number bonds, subtracting by counting backwards, subtracting by finding the difference and exploring number facts.


English- The children will continue to work from our new class book, ‘The Comet’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. They will be writing and performing poetry, they will be role playing and creating thought bubbles and exploring the suffix ‘ing.’


Computing- The children will develop their keyboard skills


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: wheel, whisk, when, which, whisper, whisker, you, soup, group, youth

Tricky words: push, pull


Group 2: wheel, whisk, when, which, whisper

 Tricky words: push


Group 3: sea, pea, seat, heap

Tricky words: pull



Last week’s reading books have been uploaded onto the Collins Hub.


I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


Mrs Flatley