Friday, 28 February 2025

Hello Everyone,


It was so lovely to see all the children back at school after the half term break. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed their visit to Christ Church, where they learnt more about ‘Baptism’. The church’s Vicar used a doll to show the children what happens during a baptism ceremony. Then they carried out 3 activities which supported their learning on this topic. The children were so well behaved and they made us extremely proud. Well done Year 1

 Please see below an insight on the topics we will be covering this half term:

English- The children will continue to work from the book ‘The Comet’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. They will then be working from the book ‘Leo and the Octopus’ by Isabelle Marinov and Chris Nixon.


Maths- Place value to 50, length and height and mass and volume


Science- Growing Plants and learning about the season of Spring


Geography- What is the weather like in the UK?


RE- The children will learn about Ramadan and Eid. They will then learn about the Easter story.


Design & Technology- Freestanding structures


ICT- Moving a robot


PSHE – Healthy Me


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: word, work, worm, world, worse, care, dare, share, scare, stare

Tricky words: our, ask


Group 2: care, dare, share, scare, stare

 Tricky words: our


Group 3: boy, boys joy, toy, enjoy

Tricky words: his



Wednesday 5th March- Science Workshop (taking place in school)


Friday 7th March- Little Heath World Book Day


Friday 7th March- Year 1 Sports Festival. If your child received a letter from Mr. Mills before the half term, please return the reply slip as soon as possible. On the day of this event, the children will wear their World Book Day costume into school and then change into their PE kits. Please ensure that PE kits are in school.  

Hope you all have a lovely sunny weekend.


Mrs Flatley