Friday, 31 January 2025

 Good Evening Everyone,


In English the children have worked extremely hard, writing their own story based on the book ‘Send for a Superhero.’ They extended their sentences by using conjunctions and included exciting adjectives. Well done Year 1, I have loved reading them!


In Maths, the children started a new topic based on ‘addition and subtraction within 20’. They added by counting on within 20 and explored number bonds.


In Art, the children created beautiful observation drawings of a variety of flowers. They paid close attention to the shape, size, colour and fine detail on the different parts of the flower.


In RE, the children learnt about Baptism. Next month, they will have the opportunity to visit Christ Church where the Vicar will demonstrate what happens during a Baptism service.


Next Week:

Maths- The children will find and make number bonds to 20, double and find near-doubles.


English- The children will begin a new topic of work based on the book, ‘The Comet’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. They will be making posters and writing letters of advice.


History- We will find out about how the Tower of London’s use has changed over time.


Computing- The children will develop their keyboard skills


Art- The children will continue to create observational drawings


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: face, lace, race, space, nice, cheese, choose, noise, tease, please

Tricky words: a, they


Group 2: face, lace, race, space, nice

 Tricky words: they


Group 3: day, may, pay, say, play

Tricky words: a


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.


Mrs Flatley