Friday, 24 January 2025


Good evening everyone,

In English, the children learnt about verbs and used the suffixes ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ in some sentences. They also wrote an email to a character from our class story ‘Send for a Superhero.’ They used conjunctions and adjectives to make their sentences more interesting. In phonics this week the children learnt the graphemes ‘le’, ‘al’, ‘c’ and ‘ve’. They also learnt the tricky words ‘school’, ‘call’, ‘different’ and ‘ask’.


In Maths, the children are continuing with the topic ‘Place value to 20’. This week they have been using number lines to label missing numbers, finding 1 more and 1 less and estimating where a number might be located.


In Art, the children went on a nature walk around the school collecting natural objects that they would like to draw. When we returned to class the children created amazing observational drawings, paying close attention to the shape, colour and size of these objects. I was so impressed with their creations.


In Computing, the children are continuing to develop their mouse skills by clicking and dragging in order to create a picture. They are really enjoying these lessons and are being so sensible and responsible when handling and logging onto the Chrome Books.  



Next Week:

Maths- The children will be comparing and ordering numbers to 20. They will also begin a new topic ‘Addition and Subtraction within 20.’


English- The children will use simple noun phrases to label their own superhero. They will then use a story mountain to plan a superhero story. They will also begin writing the beginning and middle of their story.


History- The children will find out about the people who lived in medieval castles.


RE- We will begin to learn about Baptism.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: spy, fly, why, dry, try, low, blow, grow, snow, show,  

Tricky words: there, where


Group 2: low, blow, grow, snow, show

Tricky words: there


Group 3: light, sight, right, night, fight

Tricky words: some, said


Group 4: zoo, zoom, food, moon, roof

Tricky word: I


Wishing you all an amazing weekend,  


Mrs Flatley