Friday 24 June 2022

Week ending 24th June 2022

 Hello All,

A great week! We loved sports day and had so much fun!

We have been writing an adventure story and this week the endings came together. They were dramatic and exciting. When you attend parent's evening you will get a chance to read them!
The children wrote the story of 'Jonah and the Big Fish ' this week and they are remembering the morals to these faith stories.
We learned a lot about Australia and had so many items come in from home! We even had a didgeridoo!
The children learned the primary and secondary colours this week in their art lesson and were able to mix the colours themselves.

As the weather was sunny the children were also able to play outside and use the water tray!

The boys are making lots of models and asked me to share this with you.

The children are enjoying our PSHE lessons about growth and change and were so happy to share their baby photos and write about how much they have changed.



Next week we will be working on suffixes and prefixes. The children will carry out a comprehension activity and we will begin our project on poetry as we listen to 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat.'
They will use role play to demonstrate their understanding of the poem and develop their creativity.


We start a topic on multiplication next week. You could work on this at home or when you are shopping.


We will be travelling to Africa next week and our focus country will be Kenya. If you have anything at home you feel may be useful please bring it in to school.


The children will sort animals into categories. These will be mammals, insects, birds, fish and amphibians.


We will continue to learn about growth and change.

I am looking forward to meeting with you all next week.

Until then have a great weekend.

Ms Davis