Friday 1 July 2022

Week ending 1st July 2022

 Hello Year One,

The children enjoyed role play this week! For English we are exploring poetry and we listened to the poem 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat.' This was a popular choice and I was surprised by how quickly they were able to recite the poem and use role play to enhance their understanding and develop their creativity.

We have been working on multiplication in our maths lessons and travelled to Kenya for our geography lesson. The children can name the continents now and are becoming aware of some of the countries within the continents. 

For science we continued to research animals and their habitats. The children are becoming familiar with some of the animal classifications now.



We will be beginning a poetry project and the children will be reciting poems, using rhyming couplets and finally creating their own poems.


The children will be learning to tell the time on the hour, half hour and quarter hour.


We will be travelling to North America next week and will explore the characteristics and features of the USA.


Our topic leads us to study humans as animals and we will be exploring our senses.

The Apprentice

On Friday afternoon the children in Year Six will be raising money for Cancer Research. There will be stalls available to buy products from such as small toys, a hair dressing salon and a group selling smoothies and fruit kebabs. The children will be able to go to the different stalls. We are recommending spending money of between £3 and £5.

I hope you have a restful and enjoyable long weekend and look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

Ms Davis