Hello Year One,
We have had a busy and exciting week, ending in today's 'spooky costume' day. The children loved this, especially when we danced to halloween songs.
Hello Year One,
We have had a busy and exciting week, ending in today's 'spooky costume' day. The children loved this, especially when we danced to halloween songs.
Hello Year One,
We began a new story this week called Chicken Licken. I'm sure many of you remember it as it is a very popular traditional tale. The children enjoy the repetitiveness of the story and it helps them focus on the sequence of the tale. We read the story and the children got into groups and created a role play following the sequence well. This was followed by writing the sequence of events as a story.
We have continued to work on more and less in maths and our number bonds to ten and twenty.
The children drew Autumn pictures and wrote about their findings from the walk we went on a couple of weeks ago.
For PSHE we talked about the feeling of being proud and the children drew pictures and wrote about moments in their lives when they felt this way.
As it is officially Black History Month I told the story of Rosa Parks this week. The children were able to role play the story and write about the bravery of Rosa Parks. We celebrated black sportspeople, singers and musicians.
We will continue to work on split vowel digraphs in our phonics sessions. Next week we will look at o-e and u-e.
The children learned the vowels this week and we will continue this with a vowel recognition lesson next week.
Their handwriting is improving dramatically and they should all feel very proud of this achievement. We will continue to have handwriting lessons three times next week.
The children will also be writing a different ending to the story of Chicken Licken. They should find this fun as they will be working in pairs.
We will be working on our number bonds next week. This is something you can practise at home. Start with number to five, then ten and finally to twenty if they are really fluent.
The children will continue to learn about sequencing in maths and we will focus on counting on with number lines.
Please can you ensure that children do not use the playground equipment or Year One's outside area to play with before and after school.
I am looking forward to seeing you all at parent's evening next week.
Have a safe and happy weekend.
many thanks
Ms Davis
Hello Year One,
It has been a very busy week as we spent Tuesday morning in the local woods and Friday morning singing for Harvest Festival.
The walk was great! We were very lucky with the weather. Thank you to all the parents and helpers that came with us. It made the trip easy to manage and the children got so much more from it by being in small groups. We are studying Autumn at the moment so it gave us the opportunity to see the changes that have occurred in our local environment. It was also good fun. The children loved going over a 'style' and were fascinated by it. We talked about the reason for styles when we returned to the classroom and they heard the story about the old woman who had a pig that would not jump over the style.
Hello Year One,
This week we had a big focus on construction and the children were set six challenges around the classroom to complete. They had to build houses from blocks, a stone tower, a lego model, a gift to take home for someone in their family and a church. Some children took it further and the most beautiful spider's web was made from a bag and sticky tape.
Have a look at the pictures below.