Friday, 13 March 2020

Week beginning 9th March 2020

Hello Year One,

I am so pleased that you all enjoyed our science workshop. You were very good forensic detectives!
The children really enjoyed 'science week.' We have been recording the weather on a daily basis and have set up a rain gauge. The children have predicted how much rainfall there will be in the coming week. Some of them are very optimistic and have estimated 0mls!
The children wrote letters to their friends this week. They will be posted next week, so expect some mail!
We will be going for another walk to the local woods on Tuesday morning. If anyone would like to join us it would be greatly appreciated. We will leave here at 9am and return at approximately 10am. The children will be noticing the changes the natural environment from Winter to Spring and will be recording their findings on return to school.



We will be focusing on 'report writing' next week. The children will be learning how to set out a report and include the important features. They will be writing their reports on Christmas in the UK, so if you could chat to them and generate some ideas that would be great.


The children will be learning about the coins up to 20p. They will be making combinations of values and matching values with different representations. They will recognise the coins and compare their shapes, sizes and colours.


We will be creating keys for maps of farms and designing the layout of farms.


The walk to the woods will be the first step in our discoveries regarding the change of season. the children will be asked to look for specific plants and flowers that we would expect to see in Spring. They will return to school and we will discuss the changes we have found as a whole class. This will be followed by a drawing and labelling task in their books.


It is a great opportunity to research for our science topic. The children can find out about the change in seasons by searching on the internet.


What happens when we are ill. The children will explore ways to help themselves when they feel unwell and the purpose of medication.

I hope you have a happy weekend.
Ms Davis