Friday, 20 March 2020

Week beginning 16th March 2020

Hello Year One,

Wow what a week! It has been strange having classes that are so small, but we have had a lot of fun!
Our walk to the woods on Tuesday was great. We noticed so many changes in the natural environment. Now that it is Spring we saw how the buds are appearing on the trees and flowers are growing and blooming. Some children saw tadpoles in the water and we loved listening to the woodpecker!

 On Thursday we turned the classroom into a farm. We made a video of 'A Day At Fairfield Farm.'

We also took plenty of photos.

The fun continued as a group of children went to the post box to post the letters that they had written.


Please log on to Year One's work box on the website. I hope you enjoy the activities we have set for you. I will be marking them at the end of each week. If you will not be attending school until the situation has changed I wish you all the best and I will keep in touch. Watch out for blogs.

Ms Davis