This week has been full of surprises and fun! We began our 'celebrating differences' week by discussing how different we all are.
We read some super stories and made people that portrayed these differences.
As it is also 'Black History Month' we read the story of Rosa Parks and the children wrote their own dreams of changing unfair aspects to our world.
We designed African animals and created 'African style' jewellery.
We are in the process of collating all the work that was carried out this week in a class book, which will be available for you to look at next week.
We read 'Handa's Surprise' and wrote stories about naughty animals stealing our fruit and vegetables. We made a pictogram to record the most popular fruit in our class. Strawberries were clear winners.
We have been looking at animal skins and this week was an ideal opportunity to create some art work using animal prints.
Next week we will be revising all we have learned so far this term. We will begin estimating amounts of items and counting them to check how close we were. The children all have their maths targets now and many have been asked to ensure they write their numbers accurately. They are keen to do this, so if they have some spare time at the weekend they could practise.
We have been working with the story 'Farmer Duck' which the children adore. Next week we will be sending the duck on a holiday as he is so tired from all the work he has been doing for the lazy farmer. The children will be writing a postcard from the duck to his Aunty Goose. They will be creating a list of the tools one needs as a gardener and a farmer.
We will be taking a closer look at the toys from the 70's and the children will choose one toy they would like to draw and describe, explaining why they have chosen it.
The children will learn about charity and how religions work towards helping those in difficulty or crisis. We will be thinking about homeless people and how local churches collect items that may be useful for them. The children will then think about a fun way they could raise money for a good cause.
The five senses will be the topic for next week as we explore how humans and animals use them to survive. We will also look at how people manage without sight and hearing.
I look forward to meeting you at the parent consultations this week. Until then, have a happy weekend.
Ms Davis