Friday 26 January 2024

Good Evening,


In phonics this week the children learnt the graphemes ‘le’, ‘al’, ‘c’ and ‘ve’. They also learnt the tricky words ‘school’, ‘call’, ‘different’ and ‘ask’. The children have really enjoyed our new Maths topic which focuses on shapes. They have done so well recognising, naming and sorting various 3D shapes. In Art the children looked at the work of Claude Monet and explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. In Geography the children worked in groups to make messy maps of the classroom using objects they could find around the room.


Next Week:

Maths- They will be sorting 2D and 3D shapes and making patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.


English- The children will be recounting the story of ‘The Last Noo Noo’ by Jill Murphy and they will begin planning their own magic tree story.


Geography- The children will be carrying out field work in the school finding the key features of the playground.


RE- We will continue to look at Baptism.


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: touch, won, cheese, noise, dance, horse, monkey, key

Tricky words: thought, through, friend, work


Group 2: touch, cheese, horse, monkey

Tricky words: friend, work


Group 3: light, sight, right, night, fight

Tricky words: some, said


Group 4: fur, curl, burn, surf, burst

Tricky word: you


Group 5: van, vet, yet, yes

Tricky word: we




The children have been given their log in details for ‘Numbots’. Please can you help your child log in and familiarise them with this educational resource.

Water bottles

Please ensure that they children are only bringing water to school each day. No juice or dilute drinks please.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend


The Year 1 team