Friday 19 January 2024


Good Evening,


The children have worked so hard this week, well done everyone!


In phonics the children have learnt the alternative pronunciations for the graphemes y, ow, g and ph. They have also learnt the tricky words who, whole, where and two. 

On Wednesday the children used Google Earth to locate the UK, England, Potters Bar and our school. They were so excited to find familiar places on the map and loved seeing our school from an aerial view. 

Today, the children enjoyed mixing the colours to create new colours and shades.


Next Week:

Maths- The children will start a new unit which focuses on shapes. They will be recognising, naming and sorting 3D shapes.


English- The children will continue to work from the book ‘The Last Noo Noo’, exploring sentence structure. They will also focus on recalling parts of the story and compiling a list of adjectives to use in their writing.


Science- Sorting and grouping materials


Art- Learning about the artist Monet 


Geography- Creating a map of the classroom


RE- The children will be finding out about Baptism


Spellings for next Friday’s test are:


Group 1: bubble, gentle, total, petal, face, mice, give, leave

Tricky words: school, call, different, ask


Group 2: bubble, petal, face, give

Tricky words: school, call


Group 3: owl, gown, howl, clown, crown

Tricky word: sure, all


Group 4: hair, fair, pair, lair, chair

Tricky word: was


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


The Year 1 team