Friday 3 November 2023


Good afternoon,

 The children have had a very busy first week back at school. On Wednesday, we went to the Tower of London to participate in a workshop called Knights and Castles. The children were amazed to see the Crown Jewels and they had the opportunity to speak to a Beefeater in full uniform. She told the children about the legend of the ravens which states that the kingdom and the Tower of London will fall if the six resident ravens were ever to leave! Also, she told them about a raven called Jubilee who had built their nest on top of the building which contains the Crown Jewels. It was a wonderful day and the children were extremely well behaved.

Next week

English – The children will continue to work from the book ‘Farmer Duck,’ exploring sentence structure. We will also focus on recognising and using verbs and adjectives.

Maths – Compare numbers, order objects and numbers and they will be introduced to number lines.

RE- The children will be learning about Diwali.

Science- Sorting animals into the categories of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

 Spellings for next Friday’s test are:

Group 1 – both, go, child, kind, basic, acorn, fever, me

Tricky words- Mr, Mrs, Ms, ask

Group 2- both, kind, acorn, me

Tricky words- Mr, Mrs

Group 3 – car, farm, dark, star, card

Tricky word- he


I have written the children’s spelling group in their reading record.



Next week, the children will be bringing home a printed list of decodable and tricky words. Please practice reading these at home. Thank you for your continued support.

Show & Tell

I have written the children’s show and tell day in their reading record. If they wish to bring something in for show and tell, please do so on this day only. Please reframe from bringing in toys.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow evening at our fireworks display.


From the Year 1 team.