Friday 30 June 2023

Week ending 30th June 2023

 Hello Year One,

This week we continued to work on fractions. We looked at fractions of shapes. The children could identify halves and quarters of shapes.

We have begun a project on poetry for our English lessons. The children love 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat' and are learning to recite it.

We are looking at rhyming words and how poetry can rhyme.

We continued to explore the primary colours this week and created a colour wheel, exploring how to create secondary colours.

The children have been listening to creation stories this week. They recognise that different religions, cultures and countries believe in different creation theories and stories.

Year One loved taking part in 'The Apprentice!' They enjoyed the build up to the main event. They listened to the pitches and watched the adverts. They had great fun at the main event.

Next Week


Next week the children will be completing arithmetic and reasoning papers. We will be continuing to explore fractions of quantities.


Our poetry sessions will begin with collecting descriptive words to write a poem about an animal. Later in the week we will begin creating rhyming poems.


The children will have a final exploration of the four seasons as we have explored each one in detail now.


The children will order the seven steps of the Christian creation story.


We missed our geography lesson last week so we will be exploring Africa as planned.


Each week the amount of children getting their spellings correct increases. They seem to have taken this on board now and it is great. They are thrilled when they get them all right!

I wish you a happy and restful weekend.

Many thanks 
Ms Davis