Friday 21 April 2023

Week ending 21st April 2023

 Hello Year One,

It has been a great first week back. 

The children have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. They have done really well, but some would like to practise at home.

We have begun a new story focus 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' As you are probably aware this story will feature in our class assembly on May 25th. The children are becoming familiar with the sequence of the story and have been writing a recount.

Our history topic this half-term is 'Famous Queens.' This week we learned about  three queens, Queen Elizabeth 1st, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth 2nd. We discovered that monarchs live in palaces and we looked at pictures of some of their homes.

The children evaluated their design projects this week. They were able to reflect on their original designs and explain why certain aspects had to be changed or altered. Some designs were exactly like the finished products!

Next Week


The children will write character descriptions as we continue to focus on 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' They will begin to draft a story. They will be using their imaginations as they climb a beanstalk and find something magical at the top!


We will be measuring next week. We will begin by exploring volume and the children will work practically and follow up by recording their findings. We will be measuring lengths and learn to measure with a ruler in centimetres. 


Next week the children will be planting beans as they learn about growth. They will create  bean diaries and record the growth of their beans. They will record the steps they took to plant the beans and will investigate what they will need to keep their beans alive.


We will be looking at holy scriptures and will begin with The Bible. The children will be exploring some of the stories from The Bible at a later date.


As we begin to focus on relationships the children will be thinking about friendship and how to be a 'good' friend.

Trip to Willows Farm - Thursday

The children are very excited for this trip. I will post photos next week. Please remember they will need to be in school uniform and must have appropriate footwear and coats. They must bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink. 

Reading Books and Bags

Please could the children bring their reading bags with all the books and the reading records in to school on a daily basis. 

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis