Thursday 3 November 2022

Week ending 4th November 2022

 Hello Year One,

It has been a fabulous week as we have Miss Cooke here to work with us. She will be with us until the end of term.

This week we have been working on addition and subtraction in our maths lessons. The main focus is on the vocabulary used. Please see the list below which you can use to practise with your child:

The language of Addition

 What is the sum of  _ and _

_ and _ is  - altogether

_ more than _ is _

The total of _ and _ is _

The language of Subtraction

I started with _ then took away _ and there were _ left

_ taken away from _ is equal to _

_ less than _ is equal to _

_ minus _ is equal to _

_ minus _ equals _

I subtract _ from _ leaving _

I hope this helps and you are able to use this mathematical language at home.

We have started a new book 'Farmer Duck' by Martin Wadell and Helen Oxenbury. The children have predicted the possible endings for the story, carried out 'hotseating' activities, found all the verbs in the text and were able to recall the repetitive phrases.

The children have explored the Hindu festival of Diwali. They listened to the story of Rama and Sita and understood the significance of light. They wrote recounts of the story.

In our science lesson we learned the names for different parts of the body. The children were able to label the body parts and they enjoyed a body part bingo game!

Monday was the first day of spellings. The words relate to the learning in our phonics lessons. The children will be practising them at school each week, but we also expect them to do the same at home. They are familiar with 'look, cover, spell and check, therefore they should use this method at home. Every Friday the will be writing their spellings without seeing the words. Every Monday they will bring home a new set of spellings to learn for the Friday.

PE Kits

Please check your child's PE bag as some of the children were without kit for the lesson today. They should have clothes suitable for indoor and outside lessons. 

Reading bags

Please ensure that the orange reading record is in your child's bag every Thursday. This is the day that we write our comments following three reading sessions.

The ebooks are allocated on Thursdays and we love to hear your comments following reading the book with your child.


Please avoid reading the school books on the phone as it is not a big enough device. If you have any queries or concerns about this please let me know.

Next Week

The children are very excited as we will be going on our trip to Whitewebbs Museum on Tuesday. It is officially a museum of transport but has a whole floor devoted to old toys. This has been our history topic and the children will find it interesting, interactive and fun. We will be leaving school at 9.30am and will return before 3.10pm.

Don't forget that the children will need a packed lunch.


We will be learning about sentence structure and using adjectives as we describe a duck. We will continue to look at verbs and the children will make a list of plural nouns.


The children will be learning how to 'count on' and exploring ways to make five and ten. We will continue to write number sentences for addition and subtraction as we also carry on learning the vocabulary for these mathematical concepts.


We are going to spend a day at a museum exploring old toys. The children will choose one toy in particular and find out certain information about it. They will draw and write about this toy.


We will continue to learn about Diwali as we discover the different festivals of light. We are lucky to have a member of the class who will dress in their costume for this festival. We will be making clay divas, which we will light up to experience the real flavour of  this festival.


We will be learning about the five senses. The children will be given the opportunity to smell a variety of ingredients and suggest what they are. They will use a feely bag and describe what they are touching They will hear a variety of noises and describe them. 

I hope to see you at our bonfire night on Saturday. Stay safe and have a relaxing weekend.

Ms Davis