Friday 11 November 2022

Week ending 11th November 2022

 Hello Year One,

We have had a great week1

Our trip was fantastic. we saw so much , learned so much and enjoyed every moment of the day! The focus was on old toys and there was a floor dedicated to toys from the past, many of which I remember having as a child!

Most of the toys were hands on, so the children were able to enjoy the games and interaction.

The Whitewebbs Museum is actually a museum of transport, so the children experienced old cars, using a bus from the 1960's, old fire engines and ambulances and extensive train sets!

here are a few pictures of our amazing day!

We also had a wonderful RE lesson this week as a member of our class dressed in her sari and did an Indian dance in front of the divas and candles. It was a magical moment! We have been learning about Diwali The Hindu festival of light.


I would like to create a Christmas grotto for the children in Year One and Two this year.
If you have an old Christmas tree that you no longer use or Christmas lights and baubles, it would great if you could bring them in.

Book Bags and Reading Records

To make life a little easier I thought I would remind you that the children only need their reading books in school on Thursdays and Fridays. The bags must contain their reading records and any book borrowed from school.
On Thursdays we write our notes in the reading records and on Fridays the children change their library books.


Please  make a note of your child's reading group, either 1,2 or 3. This is written on top of the spelling lists they take home. From now on I will be sending the spellings out on a Friday and I will post them on my bog the same day. This means you have the weekend and all week to practise.

Group 1


Group 2


Group 3


Next Week


We will be re-grouping and finding the parts of a calculation and the whole. We are currently working on secure knowledge of our number bonds to ten. The children will be using tens frames to find hidden amounts as part of calculations.


Our focus will be on recognising and using verbs and adjectives as we continue to work from the book 'Farmer Duck.'


The children will be given the opportunity to explore their senses. I will be bringing a variety of items into school for a guessing game. The children will reflect on how our senses help us understand and experience the world around us.

D and T

The children will be making their own story slider mechanism. They will hear the story of 'The Gingerbread man' and create a moving picture to tell the story.


As we have been learning about Diwali we will be creating rangoli patterns with chalk pastel crayons. The children made their own divas out of clay this week, so next week they will paint and varnish them.

I wish you all a happy and restful weekend.

Ms Davis