Hello All,
A great week! We loved sports day and had so much fun!
Hello All,
A great week! We loved sports day and had so much fun!
Hi Year One,
It has been a hot week, so we made good use of the water tray to cool down in the afternoons.
Hello Year One,
We have had a very busy week! The children have been revising their phonics this week.
We have begun our new Geography topic called 'Around The World' and they are really enjoying this.
We learn about a different country each week. Last week was France and many children said they had been to France or their parents had visited the country. If there is anything that is related to the country we are studying please send it in to school. The children learn so much when they share with their peers.
Next week we will be going to Asia and China will be our focus.
We have been counting in 2s and 5s and next week we will start counting in tens and looking for patterns. We will also look at counting with the 2p, 5p and 10p coins.
The next maths project will be multiplication and division as we begin by sorting items into equal and unequal groups.
The children will be reading a book called 'Not a Stick,' by Antoinette Portis. This will create imaginative story writing.
For science we will be learning about animals and we start next week by sorting animals into groups according to their diets.
For RE next week the children will hear and recount the story of 'The Good Samaritan.' They will learn about the moral of the story.
Our PSHE lessons will focus on 'changing me,' as the children recognise changes in their feelings, physical bodies and emotions.
We will begin our new art project the following week.
I hope you all have a restful and happy weekend.
Ms Davis