Friday 29 April 2022

 Hello Everyone,

We have had a great week!

The children enjoyed designing a vegetable salad and have created a list of ingredients. Next week they will wash and prepare their salads and bring them home to share with their families.

We have been problem solving in our maths lessons and the children can now recognise the start, the change and the result  when calculating up to 20.

For English we have learned the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' The children were able to write accurate recounts of this traditional tale.

We have begun our history project on 'Famous Queens.' The children are very interested to explore this subject especially as it is The Platinum Jubilee soon.



We will be exploring difference between numbers. The vocabulary the children will come familiar with will be fewer, more, greater than, less than and difference between.


The children will learn another very familiar traditional tale next week, 'The Little Red Hen.' They will write a recount of the story, role play the story and learn to recite the story.


Next week the children will be exploring life in Tudor times as we go back in time to when Queen Elizabeth 1 reigned. They will compare life now to life in Tudor times.


The children planted beans last week and they will write about the process they followed to do so.

D and T

Each child will create their own salad. They have chosen their vegetables and are very excited to create a dish of their choice. I do hope you enjoy them!


As many of you are aware extra phonics sessions will begin on 11th May. These will be taking place at 8.30am most mornings. There will also be extra sessions on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

If your child has been selected for extra sessions please do not worry. Approximately 12 children will be attending the extra sessions and they are just to ensure fluency of digraphs, trigraphs and blending.

Some of you have asked whether you can work on them at home. That is fine. I have copied the more complex digraphs and trigraphs below:

ea, oi, oy, au, ie, ae, ue, oe, ph, ar, wh, aw, ew, ir, ur, ay, u-e, a-e, i-e, e-e, o-e

There are programs on the internet to help you with the pronunciation of these. If you add 'Phase Five Phonics' should have access to a specific program.

Willows Farm

We are all extremely excited for our trip to Willows Farm. A text has been sent to you regarding clothing for the day. I initially wanted the children to wear school uniform, but they may be going on the big plastic slides and it would be ideal to have trousers on to access this equipment.

I have a full crew of helpers now. Thank you to all the volunteers!


The children seem particularly tired on Mondays. This I know can only be expected to a certain point as they have had to readjust to the early morning rise, but if possible it would be so beneficial for them to  have an earlier bedtime on Sundays. 

PE Kits

Please can you ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school at all times. For the coming months they will need shorts, a t-shirt, plimsols, warm joggers, sweat top and trainers. 

I wish you all a very happy, long, holiday weekend!

See you all Tuesday.

Ms Davis