Friday 22 April 2022

 Hello and Welcome Back,

It was great to see you all again on Wednesday. The children certainly seemed to have made the most of the Easter holidays and the wonderful weather!

The children have had a fun week back, using the new outdoor area (beach shack) and enjoying being back with their friends.

Today they had 'dress up' afternoon and I took a few pictures! The children are allowed to choose a dressing up costume on a Friday afternoon and it is a very popular choice. They often get into 'character' and have some fun playing make believe games.

You have probably noticed that some mornings I play music from different cultures as the children come into school. This is very popular and it has become a mini dance lesson as the children love to try the variety of dance styles from around the world. This morning we had music from India.


We will be continuing with daily phonics and spellings. Our topic is 'Traditional Tales.' We will begin with Jack and the Beanstalk. The children will be learning to sequence the story, answer comprehension questions, role play the characters, write character descriptions and interview characters from the story. We will follow this by reading a contemporary tale from a different culture and the children will be making lists and creating their own versions of the story.


This half term we will be working on problem solving, money (coins up to £1) and using standard and non-standard measures. We will be comparing values, finding the difference between values and counting in twos, fives and tens.


We have already started some of our new topics. For science we will be exploring growth. This includes plants and animals. This week the children planted their own beans and will monitor and record their growth on a weekly basis. They will be finding out what living things need in order to survive.
We will be using our trip to Willows Farm to highlight certain areas of this topic as we visit animals of different ages and look at the vegetable garden to find out what we could grow in the Spring and Summer.


Design and technology links with our science project as we will be designing and making a vegetable salad. This has to be attractive and appetizing!


Our art lessons will focus on printing. We will be using a variety of materials to print with and hope to get some exciting designs!


We will be looking at friendships this half term and thinking about how we can be a good friend to others.


This half-term we will be looking at famous queens. This will tie in well with the Queen's jubilee!
We begin with Queen Elizabeth 1, the Queen Victoria and we complete the topic by looking at the reign of Queen Elizabeth 11.


We begin by exploring three holy books, The Quran, The Torah and The Bible. We will move on to learning faith stories.

Next week I will be discussing this term's home project with the children and I will post the information on my blog.

I have some volunteer helpers for the Willows Farm Trip. If you would be interested in coming with us please let me know. 

Have a great weekend. 
Ms Davis