Hello everyone,
This week in Year 1 was all about planting and celebrating the Harvest. We have been given lots of wonderful Harvest resources from Christ Church to enrich our learning. We have read the parable of The Sower and have been learning about all the things that a seed needs in order to grow strong and healthy. The children enjoyed identifying different fruit and vegetables such as spring onion, leek, cabbage and turnip. We have planted cress seeds in our classroom and we can already see the little shoots appearing. The children are planning to have cress sandwiches for their snack when the cress is ready to eat.
As we have had some lovely sunshine this week we went outside to collect autumn leaves.
We brought the leaves to the classroom and the children have sorted them out by colour and have made colourful leaf rubbings.
We have also planted some spring flower bulbs outside the classroom and we hope to have a beautiful garden in the Spring time.
Next week we will learn about the parts of plants.
This week we have finished revisiting phase 3 letter sounds. For the next two weeks we will focus on using our phonics knowledge in reading and writing. We will also continue to learn phase 3 tricky words.
Please remember to use Reading Eggs at home. If you have lost your login details please contact me.
The children have enjoyed Phonics Play games in class: Dragon's Den and Buried Treasure. Simply google Phonic's Play and there are some free games your child can access. Depending on your child's reading level they can play Phase 2 or Phase 3 games.
Spellings for next week
Please practise writing the following words at home.
go, no, you, are, chop, chin, shop, ship
We will have a spelling test on Friday.
In maths we have used a variety of resources such as: whole-part models, ten frames and dominoes to help us understand number bonds. The children have been practicing writing number sentences and are becoming very good at it.
Next week we will introduce Cuisenaire rods. We will learn rod values and we will use the rods to make up quantities.
The children should spend at leas 20 minutes a week on Maths seeds.
In PE the children have been mastering their basketball skills coached by Mr Mills. We have lots of competitive players in Year 1!
I won't be in school for a couple of days next week but all the lessons will be taking place as usual . I am looking forward to the telephone Parent-teacher consultations on Thursday the 15th of October. If you haven't booked your slot yet, please remember to book one. If you are unable to talk to me on the day, please email me so we can arrange an alternative date.Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs Sheehan