Friday 22 September 2023


Good afternoon,

We have had a very busy week and the children have worked so hard. Well done everyone!


Next week, in English the children will be writing descriptive words and phrases about a character from the story Farmer Duck. They will also continue to practise their letter formation and handwriting.


The daily phonic lessons are going really well. This week they reviewed the phase 3 digraphs sh, zz, ss, qu, ng, ck, th, ng, nk . They also revised the tricky words what, when, he, she, we, be, me, have and love.

Next week, the children will start phase 4.


Please find below the link for Little Wandle where there is a wealth of information for parents:


In Maths, the children were counting objects and representing the amount on a tens frame. 

Next week, the children will learn to recognise numbers as words, count on from any number, count backwards from 10 and be introduced to the language 1 more.



The children will continue to find out about being thankful and harvest traditions.

On Thursday, the children will be visiting Christ Church at 10am to partake in experience Harvest.



The children will find out about the toys that their parents and grandparents may have played with.



Observational drawings of toys



Can you please ensure that you comment in your child’s reading record each week. Thank you.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Flatley, Mrs Blatch and Mrs Phillips