Thursday 13 October 2022

Week ending 14th October 2022

 Hello Year One,

We have had a lovely week! Our walk to the woods was great! We learned so much about the changes to our environment that occur in Autumn. The children produced some detailed drawings, captions and sentences about Autumn.

We have been learning to order numbers, recognise consecutive numbers and link, sequence and count numbers. We have been using number lines and noticing when a number is not in the correct position.

We have written about our harvest experience at the church. The children recognise that we have harvest from the sea, from animals, from the ground and from grain. 

I am in the process of booking our museum trip to explore toys from the past. This will take place on 8th November. We expect to have enough staff to accompany us on the trip, therefore we won't need parental support. Further details will be sent to you nearer to the date of the trip.

Next Week


The children will be learning to form capital letters correctly. We will be completing our character descriptions. We will complete the tricky words for this half term;









After half term I will be sending spellings home on a weekly basis.


The children will be representing and using number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20. They will count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals. They will solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction.


As we continue to explore animals the children will be learning about the food they eat. They will learn the terms herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.


As we continue to learn about Autumn the children will be carrying out an observational drawing of a leaf.


We will be looking at our families and where we live. We will describe them and draw them. We will write about the qualities of members of our family.


Please can I ask again that the children only bring their book bag into school each day. They do not need other bags. When they bring other bags into school and put them on their pegs there is little room for coats and cardigans. This causes clothes to fall off the pegs. 

Please can you make sure that your child brings his/her reading record into school on Thursdays. This is the day we write comments about your child's progress. The reading record should be in a reading bag which is placed in the box by the classroom door.

Harvest Celebration

It was wonderful to see the children enjoy singing the songs at the Harvest Celebration. I thought you might like to see a couple of photos I managed to take.

I wish you a restful and happy weekend.
Ms Davis