Friday 20 May 2022

Week ending 19th May 2022

 Hello Year One,

I have to start by saying how proud I am of all of you for your amazing performance in our assembly. You had so many lines to remember, a song, a dance and a whole story to role play and you did it perfectly!


We have a bear in our cupboard. He lives in a suitcase and loves being taken on adventures. He loves to stay at children's homes and experience life with them for a day or two. He is called Bear and he doesn't want to change his name.
He enjoys the simple things in life, like eating breakfast with a friend. He loves trips out to the park and prefers to be hugged at night. He loves having his photo taken!
Today he went home with Macy. He was very excited! Macy will take good care of Bear and return him to school on Monday. Macy will then be able to write about her adventures with Bear and maybe include some photos. 
Bear will go home with a different child every afternoon now and have a sleepover. Everyone will have a chance to take him home.

The children have been learning the value of coins up to 20p this week. It would be great if they could practice this over the weekend. You could ask your child to give you different amounts of money and let him/her work out which coins to use.
We read an amazing story this week called 'Anancy and Mr Drybone' by Fiona French. It is a West African traditional tale and the children loved it. A lot of writing has come from this story as the children have created lists, written character descriptions, created their own story map and planned their story sequences! Next week they will use all this preparation to write their own story in a similar style.
The children had great fun designing and making their masks! 



We will be completing our stories next week and the children will be using adjectives to bring them to life!
The children will be revising split vowel digraphs and alien words. We will be writing about 'The Platinum Jubilee' and the reason why we will be celebrating. We will think about the different celebrations people will be having and how we at Little Heath will be celebrating.


We will continue to learn the value of coins and using combinations of coins especially when certain values are not represented.


The children will be drawing the face of Queen Elizabeth and creating a hat for her to wear at her Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
We will all be designing and painting a Jubilee celebration plate.
Year One will also be designing a pattern for a print.
On Thursday Year One will be making Jubilee cupcakes which they will bring home to eat.


As I informed you a couple of weeks ago we are holding a Platinum Jubilee Celebration afternoon on Friday, 27th May for parents. The event will start at 2.00pm and will take place on the school grounds. All the classes will be performing a song from every decade that the queen has been on the throne. Children will be sat in class groupings but parents will be allowed to sit with their children as long as the class teachers know that you have your child. On the day the children should come to school dressed in red, white and blue, refreshments will be for sale during the afternoon. At the end of the event children will be allowed to go home with their parents if the event finishes early. As the event is taking place outside it will be weather dependent. Fingers crossed though that it will be able to go ahead and help give us a rousing send off into the half-term break. If you would like to make a donation towards the refreshments, please send your donations in from Thursday 26th May. Please label any boxes you would like returned to you.

I will be looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

Just a few more pictures from our Willows Farm trip!

I wish you all a restful and happy weekend.

Ms Davis