Friday 11 February 2022

Week ending 11th February 2022

 Hello Year One,

We have had lots of fun this week. We listened to Greek music and learned a Greek dance. 

As it was Internet Safety Week we had a lesson on how to use the internet safely and appropriately.

It was also Children's Mental Health Week so we have been talking about our emotions and how we can help each other with difficult or uncomfortable feelings.

Our math's lessons have been on shape this week and we have learned the names of many 2D and 3D shapes. We know the difference between a line and a shape and how to describe shapes according to the number of sides, length of sides and whether the sides are curved or straight.

The children wrote instructions on how to clean teeth and wash hands. They completed a comprehension task and an activity around the phoneme u-e.

Yesterday they wrote about their favourite experiences in Year One so far, which was great to read!

For history we looked at Victorian homes and the equipment they used such as dollies and mangles to do the washing and coal ranges to cook food.

We made Valentine cards and shape dragons too!

For the second half of the Spring term we will be working from a book called 'Mr Postmouse.' The focus will be on post and the process from writing a letter to it being delivered. There are other books I would recommend such as 'Meercat Mail' and 'The Jolly Postman.'

Following this we will be learning how to write a report and the focus will be dragons.

For science we will be looking at the changes between Winter and Spring. We will look closely at how the weather effects what we do, what we wear and our environment.

We will have a geography topic after half term. It is called 'At The Farm.' I will try to arrange a trip to a local farm. 

I have booked a visit to our local church for Thursday 24th February, but I will wait and assess the  covid situation before confirming that this trip will go ahead.

I hope the home projects are going well. We have one 'home' in school already!

I wish you all a very happy and restful week off.

Ms Davis