Friday 14 January 2022

Week ending 14th January 2022

 Dear Year One,

It has been a great first week back and the children have worked really hard! They have enjoyed the new story we are working on, 'The Last Noo-Noo,'  and completed some great writing tasks stemming from this text.

We have begun to work on place value to twenty and to count in twos, fives and tens.

The children created some amazing observational drawings of beetles during our art lesson and our science project has got off to a flying start as the children were able to name the materials of many objects in the classroom.

The children are very excited about the home project which is to build a 'home' of any kind for any person or animal. They are coming up with different and amazing ideas. I am collecting some materials for them and if you have anything at home that you think may be helpful to someone please could you send it in. I am particularly looking for kitchen roll holders or tin foil holders at the moment. 



We will be carrying out a comprehension task on Monday and will begin to look at the past tense when we are writing with particular reference to 'ed.'

The children will be planning their own stories following the class text and will be thinking of something they would like to bury in the earth which would grow into a tree.


At the beginning of the week we will be continuing estimating and subitising before we move on to more lessons on place value. We will also continue our counting in twos, fives and tens and looking at the 'odd one out.'


Wednesday will be a full day of design and technology as we begin the day with a woodland walk to collect the natural objects we need for our sculptures.

The rest of the day will be taken up with designing and creating the sculpture.


The children were extremely successful this week when they drew beetles from observation. They are really beginning to notice and reflect detail in their work. Next week they will be looking in detail at a bee.


Next week we will begin our class topic about homes from the past and the present and the children will be drawing and describing their own home, recording the different types of homes their peers have and making a bar chart to reflect their findings.


Thank you to all who have volunteered to come along on Wednesday. I do have enough adult support no, but if you would still like to come and accompany your child please do so.

Have a pleasant and restful weekend.

Ms Davis