Friday, 28 January 2022

Week beginning 24th January 2022

 Dear Year One,

The children have been working hard and making pleasing progress this week. We have continued to work from the book 'The Last Noo-Noo.' This week the children wrote their own stories about burying something in their gardens that would grow into  magical trees. They planned their stories first by creating a story map and worked from that to write amazing and exciting stories. They are beginning to use adjectives in their writing now!

We have been doubling and halving in our maths lessons and counting in tens and fives during maths fluency.

For science we continued to explore 'Materials' for our topic. This week we sorted materials into different categories. 

The children completed their art project on insects. They have been carrying out observational drawings of bees and beetles for the last two weeks and were able to draw their final version. A display will be in the corridor within the next week.



We start a new book next week called 'How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth.' It is a story based on instructions . It is funny and exciting! The children will love it. A lot of our English lessons will be based on themes from the story. Next week the children will be writing a series of instructions on how to wash an animal of their choice. 

We will continue to work on our phonics and spellings every day and will have three handwriting lessons.


We will complete our work on doubling and halving and move on to explore odd and even numbers.


Next week we will be looking at why certain materials are used for specific purposes, such as glass for a window. 


We will continue our topic about 'Homes.' Next week we will be looking at homes from the past and focusing on the similarities and differences. We will discuss what different homes were made of and how the features of homes has changed.


We explored Christian Baptism last week and will continue to look at the features of baptism On 24th February I will be taking the children to Christ Church as I would like them to see the font and listen to the pastor talk about baptism in his church.


We will be thinking and talking about the obstacles people have to face in life and how they can overcome them. We will think about the obstacles we have had as a class and how we have overcome them. We will discuss current obstacles and think of ways to remove them in order to learn and play happily with each other.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 21 January 2022

Week ending 21st January 2022

 Dear Year One,

We have had a very busy and exciting week!

On Tuesday we took part in a jungle workshop which the children enjoyed. They had to save the last white lion in the jungle!

On Wednesday we went for a walk to collect natural items. We found sticks, leaves of different colours, large and small stones, ferns and branches. When we returned to the classroom the children sketched the sculptures they wanted to create. Later that day they found the items they needed and created their sculptures. They are amazing! We have a display in the classroom which I am sure you can come and see at some point, but here are a few!

The children have also been learning how to write in the past tense. We are currently looking at suffixes. 
For maths we have been concentrating on place value - tens and ones to twenty.
Our history topic is about homes past and present and this week we looked at different types of home. We were able to find out that the most common home in our class is a semi-detached home.
For RE this week we thought about our school community and who is special to us. We talked about why that person is special and how he/she helps our school community flourish.



On Monday the children will be planning their own story by creating a story map. On Tuesday they will use their maps to help them write the stories. We will have another comprehension task and will be looking at the suffixes 'ly' and 'ing.'


Next week we will be starting by ordering numbers from the smallest to the greatest. We will be counting in fives. The children will be learning about doubling and halving and will continue to learn their number bonds to ten, twenty and above.


As we continue our topic on materials the children will be sorting them into a variety of categories. They will learn the difference between transparent and opaque, waterproof and not waterproof and will sort accordingly.


Next week we will look in greater detail at different types of housing and the features of different homes.


The children have been working hard on observational drawings. We have looked at pictures of beetles and bees and noticed all the minute details. This week we will be sketching our final copies for the wall display in the corridor.


We are exploring baptism next week. The children will learn what happens and the reasons why people ask to be baptised. 

I wish you all a happy and healthy weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 14 January 2022

Week ending 14th January 2022

 Dear Year One,

It has been a great first week back and the children have worked really hard! They have enjoyed the new story we are working on, 'The Last Noo-Noo,'  and completed some great writing tasks stemming from this text.

We have begun to work on place value to twenty and to count in twos, fives and tens.

The children created some amazing observational drawings of beetles during our art lesson and our science project has got off to a flying start as the children were able to name the materials of many objects in the classroom.

The children are very excited about the home project which is to build a 'home' of any kind for any person or animal. They are coming up with different and amazing ideas. I am collecting some materials for them and if you have anything at home that you think may be helpful to someone please could you send it in. I am particularly looking for kitchen roll holders or tin foil holders at the moment. 



We will be carrying out a comprehension task on Monday and will begin to look at the past tense when we are writing with particular reference to 'ed.'

The children will be planning their own stories following the class text and will be thinking of something they would like to bury in the earth which would grow into a tree.


At the beginning of the week we will be continuing estimating and subitising before we move on to more lessons on place value. We will also continue our counting in twos, fives and tens and looking at the 'odd one out.'


Wednesday will be a full day of design and technology as we begin the day with a woodland walk to collect the natural objects we need for our sculptures.

The rest of the day will be taken up with designing and creating the sculpture.


The children were extremely successful this week when they drew beetles from observation. They are really beginning to notice and reflect detail in their work. Next week they will be looking in detail at a bee.


Next week we will begin our class topic about homes from the past and the present and the children will be drawing and describing their own home, recording the different types of homes their peers have and making a bar chart to reflect their findings.


Thank you to all who have volunteered to come along on Wednesday. I do have enough adult support no, but if you would still like to come and accompany your child please do so.

Have a pleasant and restful weekend.

Ms Davis

Friday, 7 January 2022

Week ending 7th January 2022

 Welcome back Year One,

It was so good to see all the happy, smiling faces of the children as the new term began. They have settled back quickly and have had great fun in the new outside area 'The Enchanted Forest.' A lot of magic occurs there and the children have enjoyed lots of imaginative play.

We have discussed some of the exciting projects we will be carrying out this half-term and the children are excited to get going with them.

Next Week


Our focus book for the next few days will be Jill Murphy's 'The Last Noo-Noo.' You can access it on You Tube. The children will be exploring the feelings and moods of the characters and using speech bubbles to share captions of these. They will be writing questions to ask the characters during a role play session. The final lesson will be to recognise the five main steps in the story. 

We will be practising handwriting three times next week and learning spellings on a daily basis. Phonics sessions will be carried out every day and sentence structure will be a main focus.


The children will be estimating and comparing smaller and larger numbers. The will be learning to find one more and one less up to twenty, using a number line. Finally they will compare and order numbers on a blank number track.

We will carry out three math's fluency sessions every week.


Next week we will begin our project on materials. We will begin by exploring the materials around us, recording using a list and explaining what they are made of.


We begin our topic about homes this half-term. Next week we will be investigating a variety of homes today. We will look at the features of different homes. The children will draw and label the features of their own homes. Finally they will describe the type of home they would like to live in offering explanations for their choices.

Art and DT

We will be looking at sculpture this half-term. We will explore the work of Any Goldsworthy who creates amazing sculptures with natural objects. 


The theme this half-term is 'Dreams and Goals.' The children will be reflecting on facing difficulties when trying to achieve a dream or goal. They will be writing about a personal goal.


The children will focus on a sense of belonging within family and the community. 


  • I would like to thank you all once again for the Christmas cards and gifts I received. I enjoyed my shopping trip to Marks and Spencers! All the gifts were extremely thoughtful and the messages in the cards were really sweet. Thank you.
  • Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school every day. At the moment it is very cold outside, therefore they need a track suit and outdoor shoes as well as shorts, t-shirt and plimsols.
  • The home project for this term is to build a home. This can be as imaginative as your child likes to be. It can be for a pet, outside creatures or for the fairies. It may have pulleys and levers, sliders or lighting! The children will need to design it first with labels that explain the materials will need. They  will need to present their designs with their end products. I am collecting boxes at the moment so the children can use them for their models. If you have any questions about this project please do not hesitate to come and see me. The completed project needs to be in shool by the end of the Spring term.
  • I am planning a walk to the woods on Wednesday 19th January. If you would like to accompany us that would be great. I need at least four parents or carers to come on the trip. we will be leaving school at 9am so you can stay after drop off. We will be out for about an hour.
I wish you all a happy weekend.
Ms Davis